Chapter 6: A high Cost

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'Turning round, he saw a frightful Beast, which seemed to be very angry and said in a terrible voice: "Who told you, you might gather my roses? Was it not enough that I sheltered you in my palace and was kind to you?.....But your insolence shall not go unpunished." ' -Madame de Villeneuve

His hunger was what woke him up. If it wasn't for the growing pain in his stomach he probably would have slept much longer.

When he opened his eyes he found a little table in front of him, the wood in the fire had been replaced, and a soft blanket laid across him. As he expected, the person who lived in the silent castle had returned and had proven to be a very kind host.

He looked down at the meal that laid on the table. It was still steaming and the smell made his mouth water with anticipation. He didn't think twice and didn't take anymore time before saying a meal prayer and thankfully took his first bite. He was very thankful; thankful he survived the journey so far and he also had a great appreciation for his host- where ever and whomever he might have been.

when he had finished he waited once again for someone to come, but they never showed. He once again felt his eyes become heavy, and he fell into another deep sleep. When he awoke the second time, he felt completely rested and satisfied.

No one was in sight, much to his dismay, but the table that had once been there before he fell aleep had completely disapeared. instead by the armrest of his chair stood an even smaller table with a plate of small cakes and fruit. He ate the sweets gladly and licked his fingers when he was finished.

He was always a very timid and usually an easily worried person, even as a child. He especially hated silence, any kind at all. He hated the loud silence and heavy weight of tension that filled a room when one walks in after an argument. No matter how hard you try you can't get the sufficating feeling out of the room. He hated the silence that would follow after a conversation died between two. But never before had he heard such a silence that filled the castle.

It was very eerie and heavy and he felt like it was hiding something. It was menacing and numbing at the same time, and he began to wonder if the castle was haunted. After these thoughts the silence began to terrify him, and he got up and decided to search once again. He hoped that whomever was there would show themselves, or at least let him find them. But again, he found no one. There was absolutely no life at all in the castle, and he wondered what he should do.

After a while he began to become bored so, to amuse himself, he pretended like the grand castle and all the riches inside belonged to him. He considered each thing carefully and thought of things he would divide between his children and who would like what the best. He ran his hands over many jewels and pictured them on his daughters necks before putting them back in their respectful place.

He went outside and felt the warmth of the sun upon his face and smiled as the birds of magnificent colors sang above him in the trees. He watched in awe as the snow fell outside the castle's perimeter and never once entered. He remembered how cold he had been just a day or two ago, and he was glad he was warm inside the castle's protection, no matter how strange the place was.

All around him flowers bloomed and the air was soft and sweet, almost putting him under their sweet spell.

"I must bring my children here. They can live better than they ever had before!" He says as he scans the grounds, searching for his horse. He stopped when he saw a stable, and by this time he didn't even question it. He figured his horse probably appeared there overnight, just as the table appeared before him when he awoke. So he made his way to the path that led to the stables, but stopped suddenly when he saw the hedges that lined the pathway.

They were beautiful red roses.

Its petals were soft like silk and its color was a bright red, and he knew he had never seen such an equisite rose ever before. The beautiful flower reminded him of his daughter, Evelyn, and the promise he had made before he left.

"I must not break the promise I have made to my daughter. " He said, not wanting to see her happiness disapear with his empty hands. He cut the rose with a small knife he kept in his pocket and smiled down at it in his hands.

"Who told you that was your to take?" A fearsome voice said behind him, and it startled him so much that the fatal rose fell from his hands.

Trembling, he turned around and finally saw who had been watching him, and his eyes met with a frightful Beast.

And he looked very angry.

Credit to whoever made this beautiful picture

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Credit to whoever made this beautiful picture

Hey guys !

Short chapter... I was going to make it longer, but i like this ending :)

I might be able to update again tomorrow... no promises though.

What do you think so far? Love it or nah?

As always keep Voting and Commenting!

If you guys like it, and you would tell other Loki lovers about this, that would be awesome!

Stay beautiful :)


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