Chapter 38: Proof of Affection

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Evelyn felt numb as she could sense herself waking up, and yet still caught in the web of her dreams that her mind had been busily spinning. The images that came to her was fuzzy, because she was beginning to become conscious of her own body lying in her bed, the weight of her own blankets on top of her.

But even amongst the confusion she was certain that she saw her father lying in his own bed, looking paler than usual.

Even in her daze she felt guilty of not dreaming of him much, or thinking of him much amid the hours of lessons and reading everyday. It had always hurt to think of him—it seemed plausible that her mind prevented her of thinking of him for her own sanity.

Can you be so selfish to have forgotten your own father?

She thought.

But it was in Nessa's mocking voice.

Just the sound of it brought back memories of her tight grip and falling to the ground.

Evelyn's eyes shot open, as If just the imaginative voice of Nessa could trigger her body into such panic that she wasn't quite sure she'd ever be able to close her eyes again.

The first thing she saw when her vision refocused was the wooden snake standing upright on her bedside table. It's gaze focused on her as if it had consciously watched her sleep, analyzing its prey for entertainment.

She had the urge to knock it to the ground, her hand stretched out—but stopped when she saw Roth, Freya, and Grim quickly surround her bed.

Freya pressed a cool towel to her head, shaking her head in worry, "Roth said you hit your head hard. You looked fine, but you wouldn't wake up."

Her lip was quivering, as if close to tears. She continued to pat the towel upon Evelyn's head. The damp towel felt heavy and irritating, but she allowed Freya to continue, so long as it calmed her nerves.

"I'm fine now." She reassured her, slowly sitting up much to their protest.

"Fortunately she's made of stronger stock than we anticipated." Grim said dryly. There was no emotion in his tone to reveal if he was actually relieved that she survived, or disappointed.

Roth wouldn't meet her eyes, wringing her sheets in his hands, "Lady Evelyn, I'm sorry for following you—"

She placed her hands on his and he let the sheets fall—wrinkled, but finally still.

"I'm glad you did or something worse would've happened." Her eyes widened slightly at the thought, unable to imagine what Nessa had planned to do that night.

Roth seemed to be as unsettled as she was, his expression clouded just as the storm that had had gathered last night.

"You knew her." She breathed, watching as his eyes darkened.

"I wish I didn't," He spat bitterly, "I could recognize her poison in any disguise."

His fists were clenched now at his sides, not out of nervous energy, but a deep rooted anger.


She didn't need to ask, but she thought that speaking her name would release the last presence of the woman lurking in her mind. The name didn't release her of the fear that tightened around her chest, however— it only filled her mouth a with bitter taste.

Roth quickly met her gaze at the mention of the name, as if surprised to hear her utter the foul word.

He only nodded in response, looking from the side of his eyes at Freya and Grim. It was Freya's gasp that alerted Evelyn that he had not shared what happened last night, besides the vague fact that she had gotten hurt.

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