Chapter Thirty

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"Hi Blainey-Days!" Tina's cheery voice broke the silence of the otherwise quiet library.

I glanced up from the library's old copy of Goosebumps that I had been musing for the nearly the entire free period. Tina, along with Sam, took their own seats across from the library table.

"Hi Tina, hi Sam," I responded blandly before returning to my reading.

"What are you doing in here?" Sam asked, grabbing my attention again. "Lunch started fifteen minutes ago. Tina and I were going to go out to the courtyard, but we thought we might find you in here."

"Go ahead," I replied as I gave up on focusing, folding one of the paper page's corners over before shutting the book. "This was just a break from homework anyway."

Sam let out a long exhale while twiddling his thumbs. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us? I mean, you seem... better."

His and Tina's eyes fell upon the open bag of pretzels that I had been snacking on throughout the morning. "I am, thanks for asking."

"Well that's great!" Tina exclaimed before a chorus of shushes erupted from the surrounding students and teachers doing their work. She looked around in disgust before crossing her arms in dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, you've actually seemed pretty chill these past few days. Does it help when you go to Ms. Pillsbury now?" Sam asked.

"It's not Ms. Pillsbury..." I told them.

"It's not? What is it then?" Tina questioned.

I paused briefly, combing over the idea if I should tell them or not. Finally, I just blurt out, "It's Kurt. We've been talking again."

I had to pretend that their following sighs and eyerolls didn't sting. "Dude, I thought you were moving past that," Sam replied.

"I didn't even message him first," I quickly explained. "It was a few weeks ago, and he just texted me out of the blue. We talk every now and then. And get this..."

Pulling out my cell phone, I showed the wide-eyed Sam and Tina. Another message lit up the screen, and I had no doubt it was Kurt.

"I thought Ms. Pillsbury held your phone during the day," Sam wondered, " stuff like this wouldn't happen. You wouldn't be tempted to talk to him again."

I shrugged. "I didn't even stop by her office this morning just so I could keep it. But guys, think about it! I'm obviously not like before, and talking to him just makes it better. I'm practically cured." To further prove my point, I plucked a pretzel out of the bag and ate it with a loud crunch.

Tina and Sam passed uneasy looks. "Are you sure about this, Blaine?" she asked.

"Absolutely. Kurt and I just needed time to think, but with the way things are heading, we'll both be okay again," I said, "and we won't have to feel like this anymore."

Sam shook his head. "Okay, do you thing then... but really, will you come with us to lunch? You've practically disappeared from this school. The other guys are wondering what's up too."

I finally gave in by standing up with them and putting my book back in my bag. I slung the strap over my thin frame, but something told me I really was getting better, and things were going to change.

As we headed out the library doors, Tina hooked her arm through mine. "So Blaine, there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about."

"What is it, Tina?" I asked.

YEARS {Glee/Klaine} ✓Where stories live. Discover now