Chapter Twenty Five

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The week went by smoothly after the first Monday.

Even though I still had to attend classes each day, I still made time to spend with Dad and Blaine, no matter how difficult the scheduling was. Every morning I would show up for classes that would end from a two o'clock to three o'clock range, and make a quick stop by my professor's room to get a bit of work done on the show (which had been going very smoothly as well).

Blaine had easily gotten the hang of the time slots of the day. By Tuesday he had already managed to find the right route that would take him to the subway I rode with Rachel, and I'd see his smiling face every day since when I reached the foot of the concrete steps that led to the upper city level. Finally I was granted permission from my dramatic acting professor for Blaine to sit in on our performance day on Thursday. And from the quick side-glances I threw during my scenes, he looked absolutely enthralled by it all.

I was still waiting for the college letters to come flying in for him though. I told myself I wouldn't be pushy about it anymore, since there really was nothing left for us to do but wait, yet I wasn't ready to let go of the last string of hope that maybe, just maybe, he'd finally dig into the idea of New York, or better yet: NYADA.

Then again, maybe it was too soon to tell. If I could hardly survive a peaceful week with him, spending three years together suddenly didn't seem like a walk in the park...

"Hey, what's got you in such a spell?" Blaine's voice interrupted my train of thought. He was just coming through the way into my room with a slight grin on his face and hands behind his back.

"Oh, nothing!" I replied, sitting up in my space on the bed, pushing the style magazine aside that I had neglected a long time ago. "Where have you been? I got home this afternoon and you weren't anywhere to be found."

"I thought I'd get my last look at New York before I had to fly home," he sighed contently and sat at the edge of my bed. "And that entire ordeal reminded me of what's happened this past week. We're fighters, Kurt. At least that's what Santana made me realize. I think we should still remember the little things, too - when we're most at peace."

Suddenly Blaine revealed a small bouquet of flowers from behind him.

"Blaine..." I smiled, moving over next to him and taking the flowers.

"I would have saved them for the airport, because that's kind of where I make my best moves," he joked, "but I couldn't wait for that. Sorry they aren't roses, though. I found a vendor on the way home and thought they'd be perfect."

"They are!" I replied, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. "Thank you so much. I really should be the one surprising you with gifts all the time."

"No need," Blaine insisted. "As long as I'm yours, I'll never need anything in return."

The two of us moved back on the bed so we were lying down, facing each other. I could get a perfect glimpse of his stunningly beautiful amber eyes beneath dark lashes. And I could see that he only had eyes for me.

"You do realize..." I began, "that you are, right? Mine, I mean. You don't have to give a second thought about it. You are perfect the way you are, and I don't want any other kind of you."

"I think I see now..." he replied softly. Then, he brushed his fingers along my jawline and whispered, "You know, you're dad should be leaving his hotel now. That means we have about fifteen free minutes..."

"What about Rachel and Santana?" I whispered.

"It wouldn't be the first time we've been right under their noses," he shrugged before connecting our lips eagerly.

YEARS {Glee/Klaine} ✓Where stories live. Discover now