Chapter Twenty Two

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"Could you be happy here with me?"

I immediately tore my gaze away from the lively surroundings to look straight at the brunet-haired boy who seemed to be staring off into nothingness as he sat on one of the steps with his ankles crossed. We were seated in the Times Square, on a large set of stairs that he mentioned he visited with the New Directions once.

I needed to pause a moment, waiting to see when he was going to laugh and tell me it was a joke. When nothing followed, I said to him, "Are you crazy? Of course I can. I already am."

"I don't mean now," he replied as he slumped over. "I mean in the future. Would you really be happy here with me? Even when you have so much potential that you may not even know about?"

"Kurt, I could make the decision instantly if it meant being with you, but it's in the future. We have some time to figure stuff out. After all, it's only the beginning for us," I assured him while taking his hand off his lap to hold it with mine.

He sighed. "Blaine, you're a senior. You're going to graduate next month, and before you know it this kind of stuff will have to be thought through. Ugh, I hate sounding like the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come or something."

I looked down at my feet. To be honest, with everything going on lately, I had almost forgotten about the upcoming events. I've had a lot on my mind. With the stress and injuries, things like regionals, prom, and graduation weren't at the top of my list.

It suddenly hit me that there were lots of things I wanted to talk to Kurt about, things that I'd waited to say until moments like these when we could finally be together, but I could never get it out.

It seemed like he was sort of above the idea of Regionals, like some past memory that didn't have much importance to him now, so I wouldn't bother him with that. Prom was still a tricky subject for me, because I wasn't even sure I would go if I didn't get to go with Kurt (and asking him to come back to Lima was ten times mores scary than asking him in the first place). The only thing I was secretly hoping for was having him at graduation. But God forbid I ever told him anything more about the anxiety.

"Well, at least I'm paying the price after Artie telling me countless times to mail my applications in earlier," I smiled sheepishly and nudged him. "You know I'm still waiting. I know they'll be here any day by now."

"They better be. I'll be pretty pissed if my boyfriend ends up in Lima Community College because of late submissions," Kurt replied, finally lighthearted.

I grinned at him, feeling an electric jolt upon hearing him use the "b word". For a moment I was almost speechless; I sat looking at him, admiring him, as he lightly ran his hands up and down his arms absentmindedly as if he felt a chill too. I had looked at him in this way several times before, and now was the first time in too long that everything felt happy.

"Hey, I have an idea," he spoke again and dug into his pocket. "Let's take a picture. I've been looking for a new phone wallpaper, and what's a better place than Times Square?"

"Sure," I smiled and moved into the view of his screen. I matched his grin when he took the photo, and turned my face to press my lips to his cheek when I heard the shutter go off again. "That's awesome," I chuckled lightly when I saw his surprised expression in the last picture.

"I love them!" he smiled, tapping at his phone for a moment. Then he quickly put the phone back in his pocket.

Shifting closer to him, I wrapped an arm around his waist and pressed my lips against his shoulder. "So, um, Kurt..." I mumbled. "There's some stuff I don't think I got the chance to tell you..."

YEARS {Glee/Klaine} ✓Where stories live. Discover now