Chapter Six

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I was startled out of light sleep when the bell rang, signalling the end of fourth period. I quickly gathered up my notebook and papers when seeing a majority of the class getting up to leave the biology room.

"Blaine, are you alright?" Tina, who was also my lab partner, asked. "Your eyes are drooping and you've barely been awake for the last half of class."

"Yeah, I'm fine Tina," I told her as I stood up. "Thank you. I just didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night."

That was partially true. It had been quite late when Kurt and I had stumbled into bed, that was certain. But on another note, it had almost felt like the best sleep I had ever gotten. It felt amazing to be buried in all of Kurt's blankets, in Kurt's bed, smelling Kurt's scent. And best of all: it was right beside Kurt. I hadn't admitted to spending what seemed like an hour pretending to sleep, just listening to the soft sound of his breathing, and sneaking a glance every now and then to see his chest rise and fall through the darkness.

When he had crossed my mind, it had suddenly dawned on me that he was wanting to meet me. "So, you're headed to lunch, then?" I asked Tina as we walked out of the classroom.

"Yeah, Sam and I were going to try to find Marley and Jake in the cafeteria. Do want to come?" she asked.

"Actually, I already made plans. I promised Kurt I'd meet him for lunch, I'm sorry," I told her.

Her face fell at the mention of Kurt's name. "Oh, you're going with Kurt... is that why you two weren't at Breadstix last night? I was hoping you'd show up, because I saved you a seat..."

"Tina, I'm really sorry," I sighed. "If you'd like, we can grab lunch together tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," she nodded. "Well, I better go then. See you in Glee Club."

I felt guilty on my way to the auditorium, knowing that Tina possibly still had feelings for me like she did earlier this year. I know it seemed rediculous, but I still didn't want to hurt her feelings. She was just too nice, and she deserved better than me, anyway.

I hesitated when placing my hand over the doorway to the auditorium. What was I going to expect? A "We've Become Great Friends But I'm Leaving Forever" party? It already hurt bad enough when I had overheard Kurt's conversation in the choir room with Rachel.

"Excuse me," I said, raising my hand. "Can I go to my locker really quick? I think I forgot my book in there," I told the teacher.

She sent me off with a nod and I slid out of my desk and out into the hallway. I went into the direction of my locker, which happened to be just around the corner of the choir room. When expecting to find it empty, I instead found the lights off, but Kurt and Rachel were sitting together inside.

I stopped myself from going in, because I only needed to catch one word to tell that it was a serious conversation. Silently, I backed away and pressed my back against the wall right outside the door.

"Nothing happened!" Kurt said suddenly. "It's not like that. We were talking all night and it was late and he, well, fell asleep. I don't know. The next morning I woke up to remember that he was right beside me, so he got ready and I took him to school."

Rachel's voice came next. "Look, I know I said I'd be supportive, so I'm trying. I just don't think it's a good idea that you're getting close with him so fast. He's seventeen. And do I need to point out the obvious? We're leaving in three days, Kurt! What are you going to do about him then?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Kurt replied. "Maybe it was just a one time thing. Maybe I'll forget all about him. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Fly back home at the end of the week and pretend like none of this ever happened?"

YEARS {Glee/Klaine} ✓Where stories live. Discover now