Chapter Thirty Four

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"I know this isn't going to be easy for most of you," Mr. Schuester consoled as his eyes skimmed across the clusters of staring faces. "But like always, we find the best in every opportunity. And by tomorrow, our seniors will be given the opportunity to finally go after their dreams."

I focused on an interesting spec that scuffed the tile near Mr. Schue's foot. He continued talking through this afternoon's Glee Club meeting with fervor.

"For some of you, I've watched you grow throughout four years of high school," he went on. "Others I had the pleasure of meeting much farther down the road. But no matter what-wherever you go in life- you'll always have a family when you come back to this room."

"I can't believe it's our last Glee Club meeting... ever!" lamented Artie. "Are you sure we don't have any last-minute Journey assignments to give us?"

Mr. Schuester gave a brief chuckle. "For once, I do not. The only thing left do do is say your goodbyes. Or in this case, sing."

Suddenly, a violent sob broke through the otherwise silent room.

All heads turned to see Tina sloppily slipping her fingerless-gloved hands over her eyes. I watched her wipe away the leaking tears that were almost inevitable. "I'm sorry Mr. Schue," she cried out, "but I don't know how I'm ever going to leave you guys!"

"Hey, hey! We're always gonna make time for each other. That's what true friends are for, right?" Sam pat her on the back, being the closest one in the seat behind her.

"This choir room is going to feel oddly quiet without Tina's outbursts..." Jake commented.

"Hallelujah," Kitty rolled her eyes.

"The friendships made here are irreplaceable. But that doesn't mean you won't have new friends to meet and things to learn in college! The New Directions' loss is a gain for Brown!" Mr. Schue pointed out.

"Tina," I sighed, doing my best to comfort her, "everything is going to be alright."

Suddenly she looked over, her tear-stained eyes immediately connecting with mine. Quietly she muttered, "I just don't want to lose you again."

"You-- you never lost me," I replied, caught off guard. "Why would you think that?"

She gave a pitiful sniffle before saying anything. "I don't know... just how busy you used to be, back when all the other guys came to visit, and then when I almost lost you in the accident, and then you were off in New York... when you didn't want to go to prom, I thought you were done for good."

I blinked to soak it all in. "Tina... I am so, so sorry. I never meant to push you or anyone else away. I messed up. I should have been the one dancing with you at prom, you looking like the queen you are. I should have been there, all along."

"It's alright..." she shrugged contently before nodding her head in Sam's direction. "I mean, I did have this guy with me on prom night."

"You can't deny that I was an awesome date!" Sam defended playfully.

"That's the thing about Sam... he's always going to have your back, no matter what. He'll be there to carry you... when you can't carry yourself."

I glanced up to him, where we had both had subtle hints of a tear in our eyes. I reached my hand out to his shoulder, where he gave a simple understanding nod in return.

"Just promise me that we'll keep in touch," Tina shuddered. "Please?"

"Of course," I assured her, lying to both her and myself. That was the instant cue for the three of us to come together in an affectionate group hug, not one wanting to let go first. Our last hug.

YEARS {Glee/Klaine} ✓Where stories live. Discover now