Chapter Two - Noted Reoccurance

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The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this - (btw I'm on computer and idk if there's dark mode, sorry for the light blinding) (also Z is the second paragraph in the story. They are the second piece of dialogue PLS DON'T ATTACK ME)


For the next three days, Y/N wasn't plagued by any calls from weird people claiming to be from the future. They went to their job two of those days, and today they were at home.

I need to pay the bills today or I won't remember, Y/N thought sadly. I don't want to pay the bills! I became an adult way too fast. This isn't fun. This is pain. Why do I have to do this?!? They banged their head on the coffee table, making some of the papers float off. Y/N glared at them.

"Stupid papers," Y/N muttered. "Stupid bills, stupid apartment, stupid - " They cut off, seeing their reflection in the black screen of the TV. Y/N sighed. "Stupid me. If I'd just get it over with already I wouldn't have to worry about this would I? C'mon me, you can do it. You can do it. You can lift that pen and pay those bills and send it through the mail - better yet catch a bus and deliver it yourself so you make sure they get it! Just get up and pay. C'mon!" They kept encouraging themself to get up but they remained sitting on the couch. They sighed.

"I am going to get kicked out of my apartment." Nothing. "I am going to lose my job." Nothing there either. "I won't get the one thing I really want - that bike." That didn't work either. "I am going to be even more of a disappointment?" Suddenly, Y/N was up and getting their cards, and on their way out the house. "HUZZAH, MY LEGS WORK! LET'S GO!"

They were walking towards the bus stop when they made themselves stop. I'm forgetting something. That's not good. What am I missing? Y/N saw they forgot their purse. So they also forgot their wallet. And their phone. And probably something really important, ugh. Back to the apartment, yaaay.

Y/N grabbed their stuff and left faster than before.

(A/N: forgot to mention this but Y/N is agender. I am trying not to list a definite gender or sexuality in this story so it can apply to anyone (though it is hinted that Y/N is LGBTQ+, sorry fellow straights))

It was 11:00, a pretty solid start to the day. At least it's not 16:00. I hate getting up that late. They usually got up around 10:00, except for work days. Y/N stared at the ground as they walked to the stop, almost running into several poles. They got there at 11:16, and waited for the bus that arrived at 11:30. No one else was waiting with them.

The bus pulled up fifteen minutes later, and the driver opened the doors. "Two dollars or a bus card." Y/N handed him a card. He scanned it and handed it back. "In you get." Y/N took a seat near the back. The doors closed and they were on their way.

The bus, while reliable, took way too long to get to the stop near the rental's building. It did though, and Y/N hopped off as quickly as they could. The building was about ten minutes away from the bus stop so Y/N wasn't too bothered. After all, they did this every month.

"Hello!" Y/N said cheerily to the person behind the counter.

"Good morning! Are you here to pay bills?" they asked.

"I am."

"Manually or with the ATM?"

"I think I'll use the ATM thing, thank you!" The secretary nodded and pointed them towards the machine. Y/N went right and found it quickly. It was very big. They tapped the screen multiple times, finally getting to the right option. Their card was swiped and the bills were paid. Finally I can get out of this stinking place. Always smells like cleaner, eugh!

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