Chapter Three - Name Please

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Tommy did not, as it turns out, find out everything about Y/N. He didn't even find their last name. It was like they didn't exist.

Where are you? he thought, scrolling through sites and sites, looking for something new he hadn't checked yet. He'd found some Y/Ns, but they were either too old, too young, or dead. Besides, he didn't even know how to spell their name. Wait. I've been searching for them but I don't know how to spell their name. How thick am I?

Tommy jumped up. "Big P! Call Tubbo!"

"Calling Tubbo." His phone rang and rang, and for a long time he thought no one would answer. Then the dial went away.

"Hello! You are contacting Y/N. Guess what, you failed. I am currently busy. Leave a message after the beep. Beep."

"That is a very sad beep you have there," Tommy joked.

"Oh great it's you," they complained. "I mean I know it was you from the contact name but still, one can hope. Hello Tommy."

"Hello Mystery Person!" Tommy said, grinning. "I've been searching you up."

"You mean you've been stalking me? That's a bit weird, Mr. Brit."

"No I haven't and no it's not, American."

"Wow, good job! You can identify accents! Good for you! How accomplished you are! No one else I know has ever been able to do that! You really are - "

"I get the point you can stop doing that."

"What'd you call me for?" Y/N asked.

"I forgot," Tommy admitted. "One second. Bip P, mute call."

"Muting call," the robotic voice answered.

"Pull up note screen 'My Mystery Person'."

"Pulling up note." As promised, the note appeared. Tommy scanned the words he'd written on it and found Y/N's name.

"Right! Spelling! Unmute call."

"Unmuting call."

"I'm back, Mystery Person! How do you spell your name?" Tommy grabbed his pen, ready for an answer.

"Why are you asking? Bit creepy."

"I want to st - search you up better."

"Did you - you almost said 'stalk!'" Y/N started laughing.

"Haha funny so how do you spell your name."

"What do I get out of this? Can I get money?"

"If you live a hundred years in the past like you say you do, how am I supposed to give you money?"

"Oh yeah, says the one pretending to be in the future!" Y/N said heatedly. "Oh, 'minecraft is a hundred ten years old, hurr durr haha future go brrr', shut up! Whatever you're trying to do is just weird. It's not funny, and it most likely isn't original. You could seriously freak someone out, stop."

"You don't believe me, past pretender? Big P what year is it?"


"What date and time is it?"

"November 3rd, 2121. The current time is 14:07, or 2:07 in the afternoon."

"One more time, what year is it?"


"Do you believe me now? If anyone is pretending to be a time traveler it's you, Y/N. So how do you spell your name?" Y/N didn't respond to him. Tommy furrowed a brow. Are they okay? "Y/N?"


What? He's lying. He has to be lying. No way he actually lives in 2121. That did sound pretty convincing though. But it is just a set up. Some guy who goes around pretending. Then why is he focusing on me? He did say he was calling a friend when he first called me, and gave a strange name...Tuba? Tubbo! Probably just made up. Right? He doesn't live in 2121. He just wants to make me paranoid. That's all. That is the only thing.

"Y/N? Are you still there? You're still pretending, right? Are you okay? Y/N?" Tommy's - Is he even called Tommy? - voice came through their phone. Y/N put it up to their ear.

"Can you please promise me something?" they asked.

"Yeah, what?" Concern laced his words. Y/N imagined his words as a white ribbon, weaving its way through space from his phone to theirs, pushing through the speaker and wrapping around their neck. They put a hand up to their neck, expecting there to be soft cloth, but there was only their skin. Y/N sighed.

"Do you promise that you're telling the truth right now? The full truth. The living in 2121 and everything. You're telling the absolute truth?"


Tommy stared at his phone. There was fear and wonder in Y/N's voice. Only the type of fear and wonder you could hear from someone telling the truth themselves. He bent down close to his phone and poked it to make sure it was real.

"I do," he said slowly. "And in 2021?"


He collapsed in a chair, staring at the ceiling. "Wow," he whispered. "My phone broke through time to call them. I am breaking time. Right now. Wow." He sat up straighter, eyeing his phone, still processing the new information. "Do you want to call back later?"

"Yep!" Y/N agreed quickly. Really quickly. I guess they don't know what to do right now either.

"Well, uhm, bye I guess!"

"Bye!" Y/N hung up as soon as they said their parting words. Tommy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He took up the pen again, which he must have dropped on the floor. He erased the question mark next to '2021?' in his notes. It now read '2021.'

He still didn't know how to spell their name.


Y/N was still on call with Tommy. They winced at the obvious fear in their voice. Am I really that terrified of the future?

Y/N what are you talking about? Of course you're not scared of the future...sort of. You're scared of MAGIC PEOPLE CALLING YOU FROM A TIME WHERE YOU WILL BE DEAD.

That makes sense.

They waited for Tommy to answer their inquiry: is he going to promise he is telling the truth.

"I do," he said slowly. "And in 2021?"

Of course I live in 2021! Y/N thought negatively. They took a deep breath. He doesn't know...probably. Chill out. It's not his fault you might have a panic attack. I mean he did call first...I now make it his fault.

"Yeah," Y/N answered after taking a second to think. They heard a squeak of sorts - did he fall onto something? - and whispering cutting out in the background. There was a quieter squeak, he must have gotten off of what he fell on.

"Do you want to call back later?" he asked. His voice seemed to have a bit of fear and wonder in it as well.

"Yep!" they responded quickly.

"Well, uhm, bye I guess!"

"Bye!" Y/N immediately pressed the end call button. A large breath of air exited them, Y/N didn't realize they were holding breath in. They put their hands over their eyes, making it dark. Light seemed really bothersome at the moment.

"I can't believe I'm believing this," Y/N mumbled. "Stupid stupid stupid stupid..."

A text made their phone ding, startling them. They looked over to see it was from a group chat that had them, Orange, Z, and Rain. They picked up their phone to look at it.

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