Chapter 5

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Chapter Five…

The same man who was intruding in my house earlier, was now stood before me, his face looking almost smug as he smiled politely at me. “How can I help you?” I spoke my line.

“Hello, I’d like to book an appointment please.” He told me, acting oblivious to the fact he had been invading my home this morning and I was still insanely curious to know who he was.

I smiled tightly. “Of course. What date and time did you have in mind?” I asked, sticking to the script Lydia had run by me.

He put a hand up to scratch his hair, which was apparently what he had come in here for. “Do you have anything next week, between 2 and 3?” He inquired, still perfecting the act of innocence.

I flicked through the pages that marked out next week’s appointment schedule. All the spaces that he had asked about were taken and I shook my head. “No, I’m afraid all those times are filled, would you like me to check for next week? Or a different time?” I premeditated his next questions.

“No, it’s okay. I’m busy at any other time. I guess I’ll try somewhere else.” He stated, before turning to leave.

I gave the back of his head an aghast look and tried desperately to resist the urge to call him back again. Unfortunately, my willpower wasn’t very strong and I ended up shouting for him to come back. It wasn’t very loud because I didn’t want to alert Georgina that I was more than likely about to speak to a customer in a less than friendly manner.

He strolled back over to the desk confidently and smiled at me. “How can I help you?” He imitated, mocking what I had said to him earlier.

“Who are you?” I demanded, not bothering with the pointless formalities anymore. “What were you doing in my house earlier?”

He shot me an amused smirk. “It’s not my place to tell. Have you blasted your mum with inquiries yet?”

“Of course. She won’t tell me anything, so now I’m asking you.” I informed him.

He just shrugged. “I’m not telling you anything.” Then he turned around and exited the shop.

I swore under my breath. I was never going to find out anything going about it this way. Everyone just ignored me or took the piss when I tried to ask questions. I gave the door one more venomous look before slouching back down in the chair I was perched on. I was no longer in the mood to anything but sulk about how unfair everything in my life seemed to be. The only positive currently was that I had a car, and I was sat here, bored to death, instead of using it.

It was about four now and I wasn’t sure what time they closed. Most of the appointments in the book didn’t exceed five thirty, but knowing my luck, today would be overbooked to about seven.

I noticed the little old lady, who’s hair Lydia had cut, toddle over to me, purse in hand. I smiled politely at her as she fumbled around in it. Scanning quickly over the book, I picked out her name and how much she would be paying me, before looking back to wear she was still fiddling with her purse.

She handed me some money and I continued to keep my polite face on. “Thank you Sheila.” I told her, taking the cash and quickly working out her change mentally. These places always seemed to have funny amounts, like 59p rather than 50p. It didn’t pose any problem to me though and I handed her the correct amount of change.

“Such a clever young thing you are.” She cooed. “There always using calculators, young’un’s these days. You must have an excellent maths teacher.” She stated truthfully.

I smiled ruefully. “I do have a great maths teacher.” I mused.

Sheila gave me a knowing look. “Someone has a crush!” She announced, rather loudly at that.

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