Chapter 43

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Chapter Forty-Three…

Our lips moved in perfect sync like they had many times before by now. My head was positioned perfectly so that my hair covered both our faces and we would be anonymous to both girls who were now walking down the aisle, glum disappointment in their expressions.

Only, whereas this had begun as a quick kiss to cover our backs, it didn’t stop when it should have done. Jord recovered from the shock and wound his arms around my waist, pulling me so close to him that the plastic divider was separating our seats. It wasn’t unpleasant though and proved to arouse me more.

Automatically I tangled my hands in his hair, deepening our kiss even more and making me breathless.

When I finally did have to pull away, I was panting, but luckily the noise from the film covered it, so nobody was turning around and staring at us.

I bit my lip as Jord looked at me. “Whoops.” I whispered, a small smile turning up at the corner of my mouth. “That probably wasn’t my best idea.”

A chuckle emanated from his throat. “Yeah, but I’m not complaining.” He agreed, giving me another quick peck.

Before that could turn into something else, an obviously fake cough from the side of us snapped us from our trance.

Leaning round the side of Jord’s head as he turned around as well, I took in Matt and Grace’s faces.

They were both sat gaping at us, jaws on their laps.

Grace obviously knew that we were dating, but I don’t think she ever expected to see such an open display of affection like that.

Matt however, was just completely clueless.

He began spluttering nonsensical sentences, mouth still hung open in shock. “What…but…eh?”

I felt a small grin threatening to escape my lips. “Lets just watch the film.” I suggested, realising that it had actually started and we were going to miss all of it. Now the two girls had gone, we could carry on watching it in peace.

Matt just nodded, still speechless.

Grace shook her head amusedly, having seemed to have recovered from her shock and grinned at me. “That was one way to tell him.” She muttered, laughing quietly and turning her attention back to the screen.

Grabbing the popcorn that I only just remembered I had, I started munching on it. Jord openly replaced his arm around my shoulders so that I could snuggle into him.

Halfway through the film, I felt his hand coming over and stealing the leftover popcorn that I had left. Grinning cheekily at me, he made sure to grab the biggest handful he could and eating it slowly just to taunt me.

“How’s my popcorn?” I inquired sarcastically.

He shrugged. “I’m not sure, I think I need to try some more.” He kept his face and tone serious, but his eyes gave away his playfulness.

When he reached over again, I clenched my hand around the top of the popcorn bag to stop it. “I don’t think so.” I replied, keeping his tight even when he tried to pry my hand away.

“But Jess…” He whined, pouting at me. “I’m hungry and I ate all mine.”

“Well then go and get some more.” I snapped, still keeping the top of my popcorn bag tightly sealed.

When he still didn’t give up and leant over to snatch it, I backed up into the very corner, holding my hand as far above my head as I could.

That didn’t deter him, though, and he leant across further. Now, his torso was covering nearly all of my own and our lips centimetres apart.

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