Chapter 51

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Chapter Fifty-One…

Walking into work felt weird after not having done it for so long, even if everything was exactly the same. Lydia was snipping at a woman’s damp hair, chatting mindlessly about the woman’s children, like she so often did. Someone was occupying my reception desk, until I got in, filing her nails in a way that seemed overly clichéd. Georgina, the boss, was no where to be seen, but that was normal, because she generally avoided the actual salon, or was peering over the figures in the back room, occasionally shouting for someone to make her a brew.

When the bell above the door tinkled to announce my presence, everyone’s eyes flickered to the door. The customer’s went back to their reflections almost immediately, but the girl at the desk, Alicia, smiled at me, Lydia followed suit, grinning because she hadn’t seen me in almost as long.

I returned the gesture, but added a quick breath of relief at how happy she appeared. That meant Anna couldn’t have talked to her yet, something I’d been hoping when I came. I needed to brief her on why we were doing this, minus the relationship, before Anna talked to her. If Lydia was prepared, she’d be more willing to accept it. I hoped, anyway.

I was also relieved that although Matt had dropped me off, he’d been in a rush so he hadn’t had time to pop in and say hello to Lydia, where he’d have no doubt made a snide comment of some sort which would have given the game away.

I took up Alicia’s place behind my reception desk, whilst she took to standing in front of it instead. “I’m so glad you’re back Jessica!” She beamed, probably happier to be away from the incessant phone than my presence. “I heard what happened with your dad, I bet it was terrifying.” She babbled, making me resist the urge to roll my eyes. She had nearly five years on me, but she still sounded like the gaggle of students who’d approached me my first day back at school. “Lydia said that Matt’s brother saved you.”

I bit back a harsh remark aimed at Lydia. Going around telling people Jord had saved my life wasn’t her smartest decision, but at least she’d missed out the part where he was my teacher. “Yes.” I admitted, keeping to short answers in an attempt to discourage her politely.

“I bet it was so romantic.” She gushed. “Having someone save your life like that.”

I smiled despite myself. At the time, it hadn’t seemed quite so romantic, because I was fretting for Jord’s life more than anything else. The speech before hand and the kiss afterwards had been the only romantic part, not so much the shooting in between. “I wouldn’t quite call it that.” I disagreed.

Alicia raised a curious eyebrow. “Well, he did risk his life for you, didn’t he?” She checked. “Surely that’s the most romantic thing any one’s ever done for you? He could have died but he chose to save you instead.”

She was right in that, as well. But, not every time someone risked there life was it in a romantic way. I was too blinded by the rush of sudden annoyance at her ignorance to voice that perfectly logical point, however. “I was too busy thinking he’d been shot when my father pulled the trigger to think what a fairytale move he’d just pulled. And afterwards, I was too busy at the hospital sitting beside the friend who’d been shot in his place.” I snapped angrily.

Alicia paled at my harsh tone and realistic words and then flushed, realising how foolish she’d been. “I’m…I’m sorry, I never thought of it like that…” She admitted, averting her eyes and rushing into the back room, mumbling something about how she needed to check if Georgina needed a drink.

When she was gone, I took a glance down at the book in front of me and tried to decide when Lydia had a free spot to talk to me in. She was almost always fully booked and today was no exception, but after she’d finished with this woman, she did have nearly a twenty minute break. That was going to be the only time I got, by the looks of it, unless someone cancelled. So, I’d have to make the most of it.

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