Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-One…

I stopped at yet another red light. At this rate, I was going to be late. I checked my clock and saw that I was safe so far and there was no need for me to panic. 

When I finally did pull up in the car park, I was perfectly on time. As soon as I’d finished school, I’d hopped into my car and sped off, so I didn’t even have time to change and my rucksack was strewn on the passenger seat. 

I was too curious to dawdle around and thousands of thoughts were whizzing through my mind as to what I was needed for. 

Matt opened his apartment door and grinned at me. “Hey.” Instead of responding with a greeting of my own, I opened my mouth ready to question him, but he cut me off. “Don’t ask me what she wants, I’m only the messenger here.” 

I sighed, but followed him through to the living room. “Hello Jessica.” Matt’s mother greeted me, a cold edge still visible in her voice, despite the fact she was the one who had requested to see me. She turned to Matt, “you can go out now.” She ordered him. 

“But this is my flat.” He complained. 

“Go and talk to Lydia.” I suggested. 

A grin found its way onto his face. “Good plan.” Then he left. 

When Matt had text me, telling me that his mother wanted to speak to me and that I should come to his apartment after school, I hadn’t known what to think and it’s safe to say that I was just as confused now. She’d looked pretty happy to see the back of me last time, so why she’d ever want to talk to me again was beyond me. 

“Sit down Jessica.” She told me, her voice still not quite losing the bitterness. 

I sat down and twiddled my thumbs nervously as I waited for her to start talking, only she didn’t. I glanced up and noticed she seemed almost lost for words. “What’s up?” I asked, trying to get some kind of response out of her. 

“I went to see Jordan yesterday.” She began, and I instantly felt my heart sink. Was she finally going to cut into me about all the crap I’d brought into his life now that he wasn’t here to defend me. “He seems miserable.” 

That surprised me. She sounded genuinely concerned about him and I realised that she hadn’t called me here to have a go at me, she was just worried about her son. I found myself upset by the fact he was sad as well. It was obviously getting to him that we had cut our ties as much as it was dragging me down. 

Despite the sadness of that, it also thrilled me slightly. The fact it was affecting him that much reassured me how much he really cared. That shouldn’t excite me, but it did - a lot. 

“I can guess that his problems have something to do with you, even though he wouldn’t speak to me about it.” She guessed correctly. 

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