Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen…

“I said that I wasn’t going to see him, no matter what, and Jord told me I needed to think about it. That I shouldn’t take it at face value and think about my mum. That if he really was blackmailing her then it might be more complicated than I was making it out to be. I said that I didn’t care and refused to see him and that was the end of it.” I lied, looking down and pretending to be ashamed of saying such a thing. “Then I told him to leave if he wasn’t going to accept it. He left.”

Matt looked at me incredulously. “Wow.” He stretched the word out, showing his surprise and also showing the hint that he didn’t completely believe what I‘d just said. “That’s really bitchy.”

I sighed, well at least I’d succeeded in my task of taking the fall for us arguing. I was bothered by Matt’s opinion of me being knocked, but not as much as if he was thinking badly of his brother.

“I know.” I admitted, trying to think of a way I could convince Matt that we couldn’t become friends again as easily as he was going to suggest. That was a harder task than knowing why we’d fallen out. “I just wasn’t thinking rationally.” I tried to rectify what I’d claimed to have said.

“Well, I’m sure he’ll forgive you for kicking him out, besides, that’s hardly something to get so strung up about.” Matt frowned at me. “Are you sure that’s all there is to it?”

I nodded instantly. “Yes, most definitely.” I assured him. I tried to fake a yawn then. “I’m really tired Matt.” I told him. “Do you mind if I go to bed? I’ll talk to you again tomorrow?”

He just sighed. “Fine, but I still think there’s something you’re not telling me.” I knew he wasn’t buying my tired excuse, but it was the only thing that had come to me.

I smiled tightly at him, as he waved goodbye and exited the room. Once he was gone, I collapsed onto the sofa, deciding I really was in need for my bed as I had just told Matt. Everything that had gone off was weighing down on me and I was finding it harder and harder to cope.

I forced myself to get up and trudge up the stairs. Mel was fast asleep and snoring softly. I was grateful that I didn’t have to answer any of her questions today, I just needed to sleep. Only when it came to sleeping, I found that was an impossible task.

I tossed and turned, trying desperately to find solace in unconsciousness. It wasn’t coming though and for some reason, I grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I flipped it over in my hands, before opening a blank template to type my message into.

Matt thinks we fell out over my dad, just thought I should warn you.

I put Jord’s number in an pressed send before I could stop myself and remember how much of a bad idea it was to have tried to contact him at all. I was just setting myself for an even bigger downfall.

I knew now that I would be disappointed when he didn’t reply. I had once again done the stupid thing and put myself in the line of fire. I sighed and put my phone back underneath my pillow, I needed to stop thinking about it and just go to sleep. I was going to drive myself mad if I kept wishing and hoping he would reply when I knew for certain that he wouldn’t.

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