Chapter 45

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Chapter Forty-Five…

Mrs. Vaughn’s face became a picture of absolute shock as she took in what Leonie had just outright accused me of. After she’d managed to compose herself, get over the immediate astonishment, her expression became one of severity. “Leonie.” She scolded, her voice now stern and unfaltering as she chastised Leonie. “That is a ridiculous thing to say. Mindless gossip that could end up hurting people in unacceptable Leonie.”

Leonie was unfazed though and she knew that was the exact response Mrs. Vaughn would have, that was the exact response Mrs. Vaughn had to have, because any other would have been unprofessional. I had no idea what thoughts were actually going through her mind.

“But Mr. Armstrong got so mad when Jessica got kidnapped the other day and it’s all really suspicious. Then the police came in and asked for both of them. And he always talks to her after class. And she knows his brother. And he calls her Jess. And sh-”

Leonie’s incredibly long list of incriminating evidence was cut short when Mrs. Vaughn interrupted her. “That’s enough, Leonie.” She stopped her continuing, her voice an octave higher than normal.

It didn’t matter to Leonie though. She’d already done her part. She’d planted the seeds of doubt into Mrs. Vaughn’s mind and that was enough to get the rumour progressed up to the higher ranking individuals in the school.

It wouldn’t be long before Jord and I received a visit from Mrs. Danks, that I was sure of.

“I think you should wait outside, Leonie.” Mrs. Vaughn didn’t really give her the option, pointing at the doorway in an authoritative manner, face set in an emotionless mask.

Smirking in success at me, she did just as Mrs. Vaughn had said and exited the room. Chloe, who she had been sitting next to, was also grinning victoriously and they both knew they’d done their part. They’d gotten the rumour noticed, the opposite of what I needed to happen.

When Leonie had gone, her followers died down with their nattering and allowed Mrs. Vaughn to get on with her recap of Nazi Germany.

Only the whole time, I noticed her sneaking little suspicious glances at me. It was as though she couldn’t stop herself. Every time her eyes made the sweeping gesture that teacher’s so often did, they’d glue onto me for considerably longer than everyone else’s and hold that note of doubt.

She wanted to believe I was innocent, but her instincts were telling her to listen to Leonie.

Unfortunately, her instincts were the ones telling the truth.


“So, Jessica,” Anna began, looking at me warily. “You’re saying there’s a rumour about you and Jordan being in a relationship now?”

I nodded grimly. I decided that since Anna was going to be around the school again a lot more, it would be better for her to hear it from me. She would definitely be more believing if I made sure she knew it was just a rumour.

“That doesn’t exactly help me disprove Arthur’s claims, you know.” She told me sternly.

“It’s not my fault!” I exclaimed, becoming quickly enraged by the fact she thought this was something I could help. “That bitch Leonie is getting payback for some stupid reason.”

Probably because her nose was still slightly disfigured from my fist’s handiwork earlier on in the year.

Anna let out a long winded sigh. “I know it’s not your fault, or Jordan’s, but you can see why I’m apprehensive about it. If anything’s going to ruin my chances of simply dismissing Arthur’s accusations is a whole school thinking he’s right.” She pointed out rightfully. “I’m not going to be the only police officer coming in here so people are going to find out about the rumours, not to mention teachers. How much to they know?”

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