Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen…

“Jessica McCarthy!” My teacher roared. “Get out of my classroom right now!”

I lifted my head from where it had been rested on my arms, which in turn had been resting on the desk. My eyes, puffy and slightly red from where I had been asleep widened as I took in her fierce glare and stern finger gesturing towards the door.

I managed to make myself stand up and get myself out of the classroom, away from the mad woman before she could give me any further punishment. And to think, I’d been doing so well in all my classes.

I’d been doing okay in that one as well, making sure I kept a steady stream of warnings through my brain - ‘don’t go to sleep’ was my motto. Unfortunately, the endless drone of French words that I already knew had sent me over the edge and I couldn’t help but drift off. Apparently Madame Roux wasn’t quite as relieved when I went to sleep as I had been.

There was a seat that I could lounge in when I got outside at least, even complete with a desk that I could use as a headrest. My guess was that some other naughty child had been sent out, only with the addition of work to do whilst they were out here. Whereas I was free to do whatever I wanted, and my logic worked out that since I’d been sent out for sleeping, I might as well make the most of it and nod off again now.

As I made myself as comfy as possible in the hard plastic chairs we were forced to endure a daily basis, I retrieved my Ipod from my pocket - it might help my doziness. It would probably not impress Madame Roux, however. I couldn’t have cared less at that moment though and began flicking through my many songs so that I could find one to listen to. It was amazing how much rubbish I actually had on it, and I decided that one day I should try sorting it out.

“You know, you really shouldn’t have that our where teachers can walk past and confiscate it.” A voice scolded as it approached me.

I would have listened and instantly hid it, if I had not recognised the voice. Instead I rolled my eyes and looked up. “You wouldn’t confiscate it off me Jord. At least not again anyway.” I don’t think he’d quite grasped the concept of confiscation last time and had given it back to me at the end of the lesson.

“I know.” He admitted. “So what did you get sent out for this time?”

“Falling asleep in class.” I informed him, surprised at the normality of our conversation. When he’d said that we couldn’t be friends, I didn’t expect that he would carry on talking to me in such a normal manner, one that mere students and teachers would never communicate in. I was not complaining, however, and tried not to show the absolute glee inside me that came when he was simply talking to me.

I didn’t miss the guilty look in his eyes as he realised it was from texting him for many hours into the night. “Sorry.” He apologised.

I waved him off. “It’s fine, I couldn’t sleep anyway.” I assured him, before realising that had just made him feel even more guilty, because it didn’t take a lot to work out why I hadn’t been able to sleep.

“Sorry about that too, I know I probably shouldn’t be talking to you now, I am going to stick to this no friends thing, but it doesn’t mean I want things to be weird between us. We can just be like acquaintances.” He compromised.

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