Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven…

We all looked at each other, unsure of what we should say to such an obvious accusation. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jord stated, not sounding like he had an ounce of confidence. I could also feel the tension radiating off him and I was cursing myself mentally. If Jord’s mum found out and then fell out with him, it would all be my fault as well.

His mum just looked at him disbelievingly. “I know you’re lying and I know these two are lying as well. They’ve been acting weird and saying some suspicious things. So I think it’s time you explain yourselves.”

Jord’s eyes flicked between the two of us, before settling on me. I gave him a defiant look. “Don’t look at me. I wasn’t the one who blurted out “stop letting it get on your conscience” to me.” I defended myself.

Jord sighed. “Well at least he was telling the truth. You shouldn’t feel guilty about anything. I made all my own decisions.” He informed me genuinely. I knew he had never admitted to blaming me, but I didn’t know what he thought subconsciously.

We were interrupted again by his mum coughing and with an expectant face on. “Can you just tell me what’s going on and then we can drop it again?” She inquired.

“It might not be quite that easy.” Matt informed her sheepishly. I got the feeling that neither men were as willing to lie to their parents as I had been to mine. It was understandable though, I’m sure they had a much better relationship with their parents and their mum hadn’t been lying to them their entire life either. I knew that the truth, well probably a slightly altered version of the truth when it came to Jord and I, was going to be given.

“It can’t be that dastardly.” She protested.

“Yes it can.” I responded immediately, unable to help myself. Up until this new revelation with my ‘father’ it had been the most traumatizing thing I had ever been through and still found some of it hard to think about. It was mostly the lying though. I had never lied to anyone so much in my life and it had been an action that hadn’t been pleasant for me.

When his mum looked even more confused, Jord decided it was time to do some unravelling. “A couple of months ago, there was an incident.” He began, clearly unsure of where to start this story off.

“What kind of an incident?” His mother inquired hesitantly. She seemed to have gathered that this was more outrageous than she could have even imagined.

“I knocked out a student.” As soon as he said it, there was uproar.

Despite her being in her fifties, she jumped to her feet and stormed over. After placing herself directly in front of him, she made no hesitation in launching into a fall blown rant that would have made Mrs. Danks’ proud. “How could you do that!” She exclaimed. “Do you realise what you risked! You could have been fired! You could have got a criminal record! You could have gone to jail. You stupid-”

When she got to that part, I decided it was time to intervene. I wasn’t going to let Jord be torn into when it wasn’t even his fault. “Stop!” I cried. “It wasn’t his fault, stop shouting at him.”

She became deathly silent before turning her fierce scowl onto me instead. “Well where are you involved in this story then? I can’t imagine you’re innocent in all of it.”

I set my eyes downcast. She was right. I was far from innocent in all of this. If anything, I was the prime instigator. “Sit down mum. Let us at least get the whole story out there before you go pointing fingers and making judgements.” Matt ordered her exasperated.

She moved away from me and I felt Jord’s hand slip lightly over my own for a moment, reassuring me that he still didn’t think it was my fault, despite my conscience telling me otherwise. He began to speak again though and I looked up and towards him, listening to what he had to say instead of getting lost in my guilty thoughts.

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