Chapter 44

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Chapter Forty-Four…

Is it true Mr. Armstrong is cheating on his girlfriend with you?

I sighed. I should’ve known Matt’s ingenious idea wouldn’t be the end of everything. It was just something else Leonie had managed to twist and make vicious.

Jord, who I was snuggled up on the sofa with, peered over my shoulder and I felt him tense up when he read the incriminating text.

Matt and Grace from across the room realised what kind of text it was before either of us told them. “Starting up again already, huh?” Matt asked, a grimace spreading across his face. “That’s kind of harsh at nearly midnight.”

I shrugged. “What did you expect?” I countered. “Only now they think Jord’s cheating on his ‘girlfriend’ with me.”

“That would be kind of impossible, considering who his girlfriend really is.” Matt muttered.

Despite his constant jokes, Matt had been more than surprised at our revelation. After we’d explained everything, he’d been much more knowledgeable and understanding, but now came even more jokes, which actually made me chuckle now I wasn’t fervently denying anything kind of relationship.

Jord’s arm just tightened around my shoulder at his comment though and I smirked at Matt. I think he was just miffed he didn’t work it out before we told him.

“Well, school’s going to be interesting tomorrow.” Grace commented, a grim look covering her face. Even if it wasn’t directly affecting her, it didn’t stop her feeling sorry for both Jord and I.

“Yeah.” I agreed, just as glum. “Hopefully some people will actually believe the fact Jord wouldn’t cheat on his girlfriend.” I stated, optimistically.

Grace snorted. “This is Leonie we’re talking about. She’s taking no prisoners. She’s going to make this as ruthless as possible. And even though the girlfriend thing was good in hindsight, it might be turned against you, especially Mr. Armstrong, in the long run.”

Matt sighed. “I guess you’re right.” He conceded, looking rather deflated about that. “I’m normally good at coming up with your rescue plans!” He complained.

I chuckled. “Looks like the ‘fake dating’ plan wasn’t quite as foolproof this time.”

I heard Jord mumble something incoherent, but I could tell from the tone of his voice it hadn’t been something complimentary towards the last fake-dating scheme.

Matt grinned at him, having found amusement in the situation anymore. “At least now you can admit your jealousy.” He teased Jord.

I bit my lip as I remembered just how Jord had admitted his jealousy. That was something I hadn’t actually told Grace or Matt about, having kept the details to a minimum when it came to explanations.

Both Grace and Matt caught my almost guilty look though and raised an eyebrow at me. “I somehow get the feeling you already knew about Jordan’s jealousy.” Matt commented, glancing at me expectantly.

I just smiled knowingly. “Possibly.”

Jord also chuckled to himself at my obvious smugness. “I guess it was kind of worth it for the end result.” He admitted, smirking wickedly at me.

“Come on then.” Grace prompted, scowling when she realised I had no intention of telling her at all. “I want to know what happened now.” She whined.

“Yeah.” Matt copied Grace’s childish tone. “Tell us, tell us, tell us.” He repeated incessantly.

Although it was getting increasingly annoying, I refused to give in, even when his pitch got higher and higher.

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