💖😄Le First Tag Of The New Year💖😄

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Time for my first tag of the New Year!! :D Tagged by tinatinacrazyidea !

1. Favorite Oc Ships?

Esmean (Trollsana Esmerald X Oc Ocean)  (top oc Ship!💖🥺💖🥺)
Jostrix (Josjos4everBroppy X TheSmolBeanDoesArt FREAKING PRESIOUS QUEENS OF LGBTQ!!💖🥺💖🥺🌈)
ZeeTide (Kenzies_Undertale ocs Zee X Riptide 💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺)
Maddina! (SkipTheZurroDragon 's trollsana Luna X her oc Maddie💖🥺💖🥺)
Skiper (SkipTheZurroDragon 's ocs Skip X Piper💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺)
My oc Cove X JaiThePumpkinSlayer 's oc Seria. Don't have a ship name that I know of but their still cute!💖🥺💖💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺🥺🥺💖🥺
Julesbert! (BroppyFan_626 trollsana X Fuzzbert)

The Music Freaks Ships
Jailey!💖🥺💖🥺(Hailey X Jake)
Daisy X Sean 💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺 (sorry Jake ._.)
Xander X Luke 💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺🥺

Ummm yeah that's all the oc ships for now! I'm a multi shipper like Milly from The Music Freaks 😅😂

And and before I go to question two, got some Esmean news real quick!💖😁 Ok so you know how Broppy has nicknames for each other? Like Branchifer and Popifer or Pops and Branchie? Well originally I wasn't gonna have Esmean have nicknames for each other (most cause I didn't have any ideas😅😂) but then I got inspired after roleplaying with one of my best Wattpad friends SkipTheZurroDragon  (follow her PLZZZZZZZZ) and I got the inspiration for Ocean's nickname for Esmerald. Then I talked to one of my other best Wattpad friends JaiThePumpkinSlayer  (follow them too PLZZZZZZZZ) for an idea for Esmerald's nickname for Ocean! So here are their nicknames!!

Ocean's nickname for Esmerald (I came up with from inspiration from SkipTheZurroDragon 's roleplay) : Flower Blossom :'3 reason why : she bloomed into his life like a flower💖😁🥺

Esmerald's nickname for Ocean (idea from JaiThePumpkinSlayer ) : H2O. Ok so the way Jax explained it is really beautiful and cute.💖🥺💖🥺 It's like this H = Handsome,
2 = their two hearts synchronizing as one, and O = Ocean's name 😁💖🥺

Ok now that I've probably been typing over 300 words for one question let's go to question two! XD 😅😂

2. Favorite cake?


3. Things you support and accept?

I support LGBTQ : everyone is valid no matter who they love!💖😎🌈 And they shouldn't be treated differently because of that

I support All races : discrimination is honestly pointless in my opinion, God made us all in his image so we're really not that different when it comes to skin color or race. Saying that a person of a certain race can't go into certain places is like saying a Rock troll can't go to a Pop party because their their not part of that music genre. And if trolls don't discriminate that way, what's the point of us doing it? No one person is better than another because of their race, color, religion, gender, etc just like no troll is better than another because of their music genre.💖

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