💖🖼Artist Tag🖼💖

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Yellowwww 🙃

I'm bored so I invented a tag full of questions artists can answer X3 (anyone can technically do it cause I feel like writing is a form of art x3

I'm bored so I invented a tag full of questions artists can answer X3 (anyone can technically do it cause I feel like writing is a form of art x3

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Those are the questions ^^ let's get these answered! B3

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Those are the questions ^^ let's get these answered! B3

1. How long have you been making art?

I've been drawing since I was around 4 years old and writing since I was around 6 years old. However, it's only recently that I've started to take those more seriously ^^ 💖🙃

2. What's your earliest, happiest art memory?

For writing, it was when I'd write my first ever trolls story in a notebook. X3 For art, I'd say it was around when I would color coloring sheets at 4 years old and my mom would join me :'3 💖🥺

3. How did you develop your artistic skills?

For writing : writing my own stories in a notebook I'd take with me everywhere helped me with my writing abilities ^^

For art : just simple practice, youtube tourtrials and LOTS of it. 🙃

4. What made you want to make art?

Well, believe it or not I HATED writing as a child cause of essays. With art, I liked it, but I would get bored VERY fast.

What made me wanna write was thinking of my own trolls movie ideas that were not in any of the wattpad books I had read, so I decided to write them myself ^^

With art, I'd say was A LOT of jealousy on here. I'd look at all these artists on here who are amazingly talented and I'd think to myself "I wish I could do that. I want to be as good as them." So after awhile, I decided to start taking drawing more seriously and overtime LOVED it so much 🥺💖😭

5. Where do you find inspiration to make art?

All kinds of places!💖 It rlly depends tbh. But I find art and writing ideas from music (Ed Sheeran hehe >X3 ), Role-playing, daydreaming, and sometimes through things that happen in my life <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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