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If anyone saw my announcement you'd know I found a relatable song yesterday called 'No Friends' but it has a curse sord that is mentioned only twice through the whole song.

The problem with that is because of the curse words I dunno how my parents and grandma would feel about me liking it because I've been told my whole life to NEVER curse. Like literally I cannot utter a single curse word cause I'd get in trouble- I couldn't get the Justin Timberlake album because of the cursing in it.

But what confuses me is that, my whole family minus my sister practically curses in their sleep. Like not a day goes by that I don't hear at least ONE curse word mentioned by an adult at my home. Trust me, I have no intention of being one of those people who curses like crazy because if it's offensive to my religion I have no intention of doing it.

This song though isn't like one of those songs where people are just spitting out curse words to do it because they wanna sound "cool". This song has meaning! And further more the TWO times it's mentioned isn't even an insult!

It's mentioned as a way to refer to as a face with no emotion.

This face is called "resting *blank* face". So it's technically not being used as an insult in anyway.

After reading that and thinking, I'm gonna write out the lyrics And let y'all be the judge. Good or bad?

Song goes like this :

People say I try too hard
People say I come off really awkward

You know I don't mean no harm
I'm just trying to be myself but

Sometimes I get confused
'Cause I can't read social cues

Threw my inhibitions out the door
I don't have an excuse

I'm just living in my youth
Don't know why people don't like me more

I have no friends but that's okay
I don't need them anyway

I do my best all on my own
And I'd just rather be alone

Rather be alone
I have no friends but I'll be fine

I don't need them to pass the time
And when I put my resting *blank* face on I look stone cold

I'd just rather be alone
Rather be alone

I have no friends
I'd just rather be alone

Rather be alone
I have no friends but that's okay

I don't need them anyway
I do my best all on my own

And I'd just rather be alone
Rather be alone

I have no friends

You'll never know what's on my mind (my mind)
You'll never know the secrets that I'm keeping

I'll scare you off with my crazy eyes (my eyes)
'Cause all I need is me myself and

I don't got no shame
'Cause my life is just a game

And I don't care who's been keeping score (oh, no)
Everybody thinks I'm strange

It's just something in my brain
Don't know who they're being normal for

I have no friends but that's okay
I don't need them anyway

I do my best all on my own
And I'd just rather be alone

Rather be alone
I have no friends and that's a sign

I don't need them to pass the time
And when I put my resting *blank* face on I look stone cold

I'd just rather be alone
Rather be alone

I have no friends
No friends

I'd just rather be alone
Rather be alone

I have no friends but that's okay
I don't need them anyway

I do my best all on my own
And I'd just rather be alone

Rather be alone
I have no friends

I don't need anybody's hand to hold at night
As long as I'm with me I know I'll be alright

'Cause I can't love no one else
Spent my love on just myself

Took this people-pleaser heart
And I tore it all apart

Now I'm finally set free
I'm so proud to be me

That's why I don't care I just wanna say
I have no
La la la la la

No friends
La la la la la
La la la la la

I'd just rather be alone
Rather be alone

I have no friends but that's okay
I don't need them anyway

I do my best all on my own

And I'd just rather be alone
Rather be alone

I have no friends
No friends
No friends
(I'd rather be alone)
No friends
All I need is me myself
No friends
I have no friends

For those who don't know this song is written by Candium ft Rosendale (forgive my spelling) 💖💖

Opinions? :'3 I think it's relatable to me like every word in it is me completely!💖🤩😎😃 :')

I'm sure some of y'all can also relate to it :'3

So thoughts? Bad to listen to it with the b word being used in a non insult way? Or is it ok?

Imma ask my family later on to see if it's okie (once I get up the courage😅)

Anywho imma go now x3


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