🏕️🌺Summer Camp Story🌺🏕️

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Ya read it right folks! ^^

Since I'm sick and still in the works of planning Trolls : Forbidden Love, I'm choosing to at least get this book in the works.

In case no one read my last announcement here ya go :

As u can see I had this idea about a week ago and I'm willing to write this for summer ^^

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As u can see I had this idea about a week ago and I'm willing to write this for summer ^^

As of now I plan on it revolving around ocs but I can try to add some broppy or another ship y'all might like as long as it ain't in**est I might end up making Broppy counselors btw x3

But before I can publish this I need help with a few things if y'all don't mind ^^ 💖💖

First thing : I've had a few oc owners ask for their OCS to be added in here! :3

Oc owners (as of now, if you want your oc to be in here I'd ask asap because I'm tryna not add too many in here to overwhelm me)

Broppyfan4life (Cadenza, can u send me her picture plz and tell me a bit about her? :3 )✅

SkipTheZurroDragon (Skip, Luna)✅

sxnnyii_trolls (Sunny)

JZDelirious (Jazzy)

LuizThePopTroll (Jazzy{AKA JJ}, Luiz, I dunno if I asked, but can u tell me a bit about them plz? ':3)✅

Ju1es_626 (Jules)

XxGalaxyWolfGamerxX (Galaxy, can u also send a pic and tell me about her?)✅

thetrollslover (

And Imma add my own ocs too x3

My ocs :





Cannonball (a squirrel, not part of any cabins, he visits them tho)

CeCe (is a galaxy squirrel, not part of any cabin but does visit them)


Maybe Indigo will be mentioned I dunno yet

For the owners tagged wanting your ocs in this, I don't think I've told ALL of y'all but I plan on giving your OCS their own episodes in the book so they have a chance to shine on there own. Unfortunately my imagination for that is limited, so if y'all got any ideas for your ocs in the book don't hesitate to tell me as long as their kid friendly ^^

And if anyone has a title idea for this plz let me know your idea. My brain isn't working for titles '^^ also plz lemme know if you got an idea for a camp name. Try to be original and creative with it if you can 😇💖

If u don't have an idea that's oki it just may take me a bit to write your ocs episode

Also if there are any new people who want their ocs here plz ask me asap so I can make the cover and get to planning the episodes
:3 and if u have an episode idea can u try to be as specific as possible? :'3 so I know what u want?

Also, if u have any ideas for the cover don't be afraid to let me know ^^

Also after getting inspired by bunkd I'm deciding to make cabins have unique names ^^

I'll list the cabin choices at the bottom and y'all can decide which cabin you'd like to be in X3 if you have two ocs in this book you can put both of them in the same cabin or different cabin. Up to you ^^

If you already have one-two ocs in here you can add one more in here. They can either be in a cabin or can visit the camp for a few episodes. But be mindful to ask about that AFTER other people have had a chance for their ocs ^^

Just a heads up : since as now their are about 16 characters including my own space for a cabin is limited to four per cabin ^^ each of my OCS will be included as the full four ^^

Cabin #1 : Radiant Red Pandas🐼✅
Mascot : Red Panda
Counselor : Poppy Kendrick
Campers : Esmerald, SkipTheZurroDragon 's ocs Luna and Skip, Broppyfan4life 's oc Cadenza, (FULL ATM)

Cabin #2 : Gregarious Griffins🔥
Mascot : Griffin
Counselor : Branch Timberlake
Campers : Adventure, LuizThePopTroll 's ocs Luiz and JJ, +1-2 more

Cabin #3 : Dynamic Dragons🐉
Mascot : Dragon
Counselor : Misty Snow (one of my ocs)
Campers : Ocean, +3-4 more

Cabin #4 : Night Howlers 🐺
Mascot : Wolf with a unicorn horn
Counselor : Amethyst Gemstone (my oc)
Campers : Journey, XxGalaxyWolfGamerxX 's oc Galaxy, +2-3 more

If anyone has mascot name ideas (Ex. Petunia the Panda for the red pandas) that you'd like to be use don't be afraid to let me know. You'll get credit for it ^^

If anyone new wants their oc in here but all four cabins get four campers each, I'll let you pick which cabin you want and one or two may have five campers, but first I'm giving the trolls who are already in this, first pick at the cabins ^^ also plz don't get too upset if the cabin you wanna be in is full.

Something to note : I'm only going up to at limit 5 per cabin. I can't do anymore because it will be too much for me to handle.

Anywho I think that's about it ^^

If ya got any questions don't be afraid to comment here or pm me ^^

See ya hopefully when I start this book! ^^ 😇

Plz don't plagiarize this idea I have without asking permission. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one with this idea because I have not seen other writers with this. I got inspired to write this by the Disney Channel series Bunk'D. I didn't see any other books here that have this idea because I did not get inspired by any books here. If you do have a story with this idea, just know I'm not in anyway trying to plagiarize you and your book so I deeply apologize in advance if you have a book with this concept.💖💖💖

Bye bye! ^^


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