A Night to Remember

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"Ryder?! Ryder!" I whispered-yelled, walking into the wedding reception and ceremony hall alone.

Feeling the intense heat from the Californian air entering from the open windows, I was sweating bullets now. My hair was still pinned back in a tight uncomfortable pony and I was still dressed in my gold cocktail dress from the rehearsal dinner. 

Oh, I wanted it get out of this so badly.

It had already been a long night of practicing and repetitive speeches. It was going to be even longer as I still attempted to form one together myself on how much I appreciated him, and how much he meant to me. Not to mention a near-perfect portrait painting that still needed a fresh coat of gesso to give it that glossy finish.

I had an idea of what I wanted to say, but putting it to paper was just not happening as easy as I'd like for reasons that escaped me. I wanted nothing more than to finish glossing, crawl into bed, write the thing, and go to sleep.

But those plans soon shifted when he had texted me that I needed to get back down here in five minutes. Claiming it was some kind of emergency, which was making me more apprehensive and kinda wonky in the head.

Not answering as I continued looking around the dimly lit room that was gorgeous and finalized with the finest diamond themed decor, I was over the moon proud of them for coming this far.

Everything was simply wonderful and according to plan. Ready for the happy couple.

Although to be honest as the weeks became fast approaching to the ceremony, there was an annoying, random, and out-of-place gut feeling that wouldn't go away in my stomach. A faint tiny voice in the back of my mind that was surprisingly telling me something still seemed, I don't know...off?

I assume it's just a ludicrous thought of me losing my best friend possibly forever or something. Yet in just 18 hours, none of it would even matter anymore and I was choosing to ignore it.

After everything Ryder and Angela had requested to be done by me, Jasmine, or the wedding planner was immaculate. All things they wanted or needed were all polished to the last swan napkin I handmade at each table as placeholders. It was kinda therapeutic.

I actually loved weddings and the whole idea of soulmates falling in love.

With the number of times Ryder had given me a brutal and honest truth after each bad date I experienced, I never had a perfect relationship like theirs. It was a proven fact I could be pretty picky sometimes when it came to my taste in men and requirements, that might've been keeping me from tying the knot too. But it was fine.

I enjoyed watching others be happy together and I was going to make sure I did whatever he wanted me to do to make him feel that way.

"Ryder! If you're trying to scare me again, it won't work this time! I'll be obligated to punch you in the neck."

He always loved playing these little childish practical pranks on me. I had fun with them. But just as I was about to give up and call him instead, I suddenly felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders from behind.

"Faith!" He yelled out loudly.

Yelping, my eyes widened before spinning around to face him with his expression amused. "Oh my god! Ryder! That wasn't funny!" I found myself laughing anyway, hitting him in the shoulder with my fist.

"Well, the look on your face sure proves otherwise." He hysterically laughed along. I glared for a brief moment until a soft smile peeked through. He was dressed in his casual wear he had worn the entire night. God forbid he would want to wear a suit to his own funeral one day.

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