happy birthday my love

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"You remember when we first met ?"
Nightmare looked at Killer and she rolled her eyes.

"Of course, you were annoying but.. stunning."

"Aw thank you Nights."
She looked at the night sky, it was dark but the stars made everything prettier plus her girlfriend was next to her.

"This day you were wearing a costume, everyone was so mad because of gender codes but you looked good."

"Pff you looked better with your white dress. Night you should wear more white it fits well with your eyes."
Killer looked at her eyes, Nightmare had amber eyes, purple like the sky.

"You are an idiot you know that ?"

"Isn't that a reason why you love me ?"

"I don't like you for that."

"Hey! Of course, you don't like me I'm your girlfriend."
Nightmare started to laugh.

"Look at us. Two lesbians on a summer night in California waiting for our friends to return from the store, looking at the stars."

"Isn't it a good thing ?"
Killer looked back at Nightmare, kinda confused. She hoped that she wouldn't leave her just after their two years of dating each other.

"It is, I just used to date men and always told people I love boys and now I'm with a nice girl in a place I love."

"That sucks, why can't we love each other without being scared? I'm mad at people for that !"
Killer started to shout and Nightmare looked at her laughing, smiling letting the other see her vampire's teeth.
Her dark hair falls on her eyes as she continues to look at Killer getting angry. After that show their friends came and they were in a little restaurant where their first date started. Dust and Horror sat next to each other with Error who was actually really close to Cross, they had fun but Nightmare didn't talk she looked at some people and stayed quiet.

"Hey, are you okay Night ?"
Nightmare looked behind her and saw Killer's dark eyes looking at her, worried.

"Oh well I'm fine, do not worry love."
She took her hands under the table and smiled.

"You always call me love when you are sad idiot, what's wrong ?"
Nightmare giggled.

"You know me more than I know myself. Well, look at those couples, men and women kissing and others looking at them finding them cute or being jealous of their relationship. It makes me sick that I can't do that with you just because of..-"

"Night if you want to kiss me do it, who are they to judge? Besides look at those in front of us, all gay who are kissing each other they don't care and so do I."
Killer puts her hand on Nightmare's cheek and smiles.

"Aren't you afraid ?"

"Just kiss me, idiot, it's our two years together don't ruin everything."
Nightmare sat next to Killer and put her arms around her neck, she kissed her gently. When they left each other they saw their friends looking at them and laughing.

"Want a room ?"

"Error kiss me like they do~!"

"shut up."
The other person looked at them embarrassed but just like Killer said, Nightmare didn't care anymore and she just looked at her girlfriend and laughed.

"Happy birthday sweetheart."

"Happy birthday Night light."

"Nooo- what did we say about this shitty nickname ?"

"It fits you well, come on !"
They fought for five minutes but when they were done, Nightmare held Killer closer to her.

"You are an idiot."

"Pff I know Night, but I'm like that a sexy and dumb girl."

"I'm not sure 'bout the sexy but yes you are my dumb love."

"I look better than every other girl in this place !"
She looked at the other woman and started to freak out. 'Sorry-' she murmured while Nightmare laughed.

"That's a reason why I love you, you are a lovely and confident person."

"Me? Confident! Fuck no."

"I love you."

"Love you Nightmare, forever until death !"

She smiled, her view was blurry but she kept smiling even though the tears and mascara made her eyes burn. 'love till death keeps us apart huh ?' she put flowers on her grave.

"Happy 30 years of being married Kills, I deeply miss you."

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