Reading partner letter

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Nightmare pov :

It's been a month now since Killer left, it still hurt to see all his object and clothes in this house he always been in. Why didn't I save him ? If I could I would but I just was merciless.
It felt like something was missing, a piece of the puzzle. He left so fast, no one, even the doctors expected from his disease to make him disappear that fast. It didn't felt right at all, it didn't felt real.
I had to came back to the community house after he died, I didn't want to feel better I just wanted him to appear and tell us it was just a really mean joke.
I had to pack all his things and keep them or do something else with it, I couldn't keep everything because he had the mania to collect everything he could.
I giggled remembering the time he brought back home a bunch of tissues and damaged plush, he didn't know what to do with those but after learning how to sew, he created a blanket.
It had multiple colour on it and even tough the colour didn't match together, the fact that he tried his best made this blanket lovely.
As I sigh, I looked at a box that was closed. I have a brief memory of the time we first came in our house. He never opened that box and told me to never opened it expected if something happened. It was now the time to open it but I couldn't do it, if I open it, would it mean it's the end of him ?

"Come on Killer nothing is gonna happened don't be silly."

"We don't know about that
Life is a big surprise...and a bitch."
I laughed while looking at him, a short upset guy, my guy.

"Hey stop laughing ! I'm serious, I saw that in movie and it's actually a really good idea."

"You're a dumbass I swear nothing is gonna happen."
Maybe I have should enjoy more that hug, it wasn't the last one at this time but showing and giving to someone even tough you think they never gonna leave is important.

As I was thinking, I heard the door of my old room that I was in, opening. It made a loud sound.

"Hey man the other told me you came back, how do you feel?"
Error sat next to me.

"It doesn't feel real at all, some month ago he was fine and now he is gone forever."

"Yeah I can understand man, it always feels weird when someone dies, seeing someone you love disappear, you could touch them yesterday, you swear they looked real but now they're a memory. I know how you lost Killer is hard, he was your future husband but you need to be fine, for him."
I looked at the package, maybe he is right. If I want to look back at this situation by opening this box. My future husband.. feels weird to think that we didn't even got to live the wedding together.

"Do you think I should open it ?"
Error put his red glasses on.

"You should, I'm sure you are gonna regret if you don't open it by now."
He gets up and walked away.

"Error." He turned around.

"Aren't you curious about what's inside ?"

"It's not my business."
He leaves the room, leaving me alone. I took a breath and took the knife that was on my table to open the box. The first thing I could see was a picture of us the first time we meet. Five years ago at a party, he was exactly what I loved, calm and caring. Killer wasn't the type of person to stalk you, he could understand when it wasn't the time to ask for a hug or anything else.

I took of the picture and put it next to me, I looked at were the other objects, a hoodie he absolutely loved. "It was there the whole time.." I murmured, I asked him a year ago where did he put his hoodie and he told me that he lost it but it wasn't right. He never lost anything. He just wanted to keep it for me if anything happened and I'm thankful he did that.

I put his hoodie on, it was a bit short for me but it still smelled like candy. I searched inside the box what was next and it has for things left.

A book, a drawing and his wedding ring. I still had mine on my finger and I'll never take it off, even if I found myself another partner or any other situation. No it's wrong, I'll never find someone else, not after what we lived. I took the book and saw poems, lyrics of music created by him and some drawings, finished or not. The drawing that wasn't in the book looked kinda like a paint of two person in a parking. Where I kissed him for the first time.

I felt tears falling of my eyes slowly by just remembering those nice memories I've got with Killer. The letter would surely be the one who hit really hard.

" Hi Night ! I'm sure if you read that it's because I told you that you had the right to open this box
Oh well, I'm not gonna write poetic shit you know. I'm just gonna try my best to make you not cry because it's shit and you're rough, you never did it in front of me. Nightmare is the most brave man I know ! Ha- yes I'm not gonna write to much because we have a date together but well, it's been a month now that I've learn about my desease. I'm scared because I know I'm not gonna be able to be strong just like you are. I still have sometimes to live and so I'm gonna try my best to be the best future husband ever. The doctor said they couldn't do anything to save me but it's okay because at least I have memory with you, I don't want you to feel bad though. Smile, I know you hate smiling but please do a BIG smile for me. Nightmare, it's not your fault if I'm gone, I just can't live a long life like I wish I had. Oh and also please if you find a new lover give them my book, I wrote everything I know about you ! Everything you don't like to do, everything you like, things that irritate you, how to help you when you are anxious. I want them to be careful with you and love you for who you are. Oh- you are calling me, I'm gonna leave before you get mad.
Have a great life, do not let this paper drown in your tears, dumbass.
I love you with all my heart.
Killer, best pal"

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