I still don't know how yet.

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Killer, for the first time, was running outside to escape someone, he never run that fast before, and thought that he hadn't even been able to run like this before, every day he was learning something new about himself in random situations like this one.
As he continued running, he crashed into Nightmare who had a cup of hot coffee in his hand.

Oh..Killer, morning, what are you doing here?
He took a deep breath and then looked down at his broken cup and the coffee that he spilled on the grass.

-Uff...I- uff..was running away from a sort of weird ass zombie? I don't know if we can really call this thing a zombie it was more of a corpse that can move and almost broke my leg.
Nightmare looks behind Killer and it wasn't his imagination for once who played with him, a living "corpse" was walking in their direction.

Nightmare took Killer hand and ran away.
Killer was still confused but acted like he knew what was happening and didn't say anything. They hid, Killer was trying to get his breath back, tired from running away, he confusedly asked Nightmare what was up with this place and he simply responded.

-Well you know, centuries ago, the poor innocent person got brutally killed, and now those corpses living and walking are their spirits trying to get their revenge.
Nightmare said as he smirked with his sharp teeth, seeming happy about what happened to those people.

-Did you kill 'em? Killer asked, foolishly.
Nightmare looks back at him and nods, stopping suddenly to smile.

-Why yes of course, Have you ever met someone who can do such an atrocity?
No response from Killer who was asking himself how could he have done that.

-Did you expect someone else to do this monstrosity?
Killer looked at Nightmare and shrugged his shoulders, he opened his mouth but closed it to think a little longer about what he could say.

-Kinda yeah, I never saw you fight anyone.
He murmured to him.

-Maybe it's because I don't fight as you do, it's different for me and I prefer not to do it you know killing people is truly uninteresting.
He said, still hidden behind a rock big enough to hide both of them.

-That's hum.
Killer tried to think of something to say without upsetting his boss more than he probably already was.
-That sounds cool actually, not to fight with knives or just the usual.
Nightmare rolled his eyes as he walked away, hand in his pocket, Killer followed him as he smiled.

-What are you gonna do now?
Killer asks him happily.
Nightmare looks at him and shrugs his shoulder.

-My job, obviously.
Killer huffed, upset.

-You are always working it's boring, you should try to do something else I mean we only have one life.
Nightmare sighed, he was true in general people like Killer only have one life but it was different for him, of course he had the time he wanted to do things he appreciated but the person he liked compared to him couldn't stay forever alive, he never tried to appreciate anyone, because they would die or what does love even mean?

-To do what? Watch TV or play video games? I'd rather work than do this, it's not entertaining and you are losing your time.
Killer sigh. How hurtful to hear someone saying that most of the things you enjoy are boring.

-Then whatever, do you what you want I don't have any other ideas for you and even if I did I'm sure you wouldn't like them either.
Killer gets up and walks towards the door closest to him not far from the big stone, he directs his hand towards the handle but a deep voice very close to him stops him.

-It's not a good idea to go inside this door, it's not safe.
Killer looks at him quite offended.

It's not that you are weak, Killer.
He shudders when he hears his name.

Killermare One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now