Moving together

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Nightmare pov :

It's been two years since we are dating with Killer and seeing eachother is rare because he lives far away from we're I live. He loves were he lives but maybe if he moved out with me it would be better.

No more complications, but first the best thing to do is to talk to him about that. I put my book on my office and took my phone that was in front of me, the first thing I saw was a picture of us, we looked so young and happy.

It hit me to see how far we come from, we used to be just friends we never been best friends but I guess we realized really fast that friendship wouldn't work with us.

I opened the "my contact" app and searched his name, I found it immediately. We didn't talk for three day due to his new job, he tried his best to get it and now that he have it I'm proud of him but I wish he had more time with me.

I texted him by simply saying "Hey Kills" and he respond five minutes after.
"Hi ! How are you doing today ? :D"
I smiled.

"I am good, what about you ?"
I'm sure that he is trying his hard to text me and do his works in the same time, Killer is type of person that can't do to much activity in the same time but still do it and then he is clumsy.

"Well to be honest I'm really tired but let's not talk about that, do you want to talk about something specific ?"

"Oh well, you know it's been two years since we are dating."

"Right, what about it ? Do you want to take a break ? I would understand if you want to."
This man is too nice for me.

"No it's not that Kills, I just think about the idea of moving with you."

"Moving out together ? Oh yeah it could be nice but won't you miss leaving in Spain ?"

"I am in Spain without the a when I'm not with you."

"You are in spin ?"

"No it's the fucking correct I meant without the s."
After ten minutes Killer finally respond.
1. He didn't understand because he is dumb.
2. He was working.
One is my favourite.

"I'm sure it would be really nice, seeing you every morning."

"You would never see me sleeping, I'm sure you are the type of person who sleep until 3pm."

"Oh come on, you don't take nap ?"

"No I don't it's totally stupid."
Killer rolled his eyes behind his phone.

"Nap are the best thing ever Nightmare."

"No it isn't Killer you are just lazy."
I called Killer and we started to fight for ten minutes straight (not like them) but after that we started to laugh and I apologized to him.

It's been a long time since we talked because of Killer new work and calling eachother was such a good thing to do.

Living with him would be really great, and if I moved out to California with him we could live our life without being scared of, if the other is okay and/or if they are mad.

I asked Killer if he was still there and I know that he reacted to my question by shocking his head and smile.

"Do you really think moving together is a good thing ?"
Killer though for a minute.

"I guess so, why wouldn't it be great ? I mean we don't fight that much... the previous fight doesn't count AND we both work a lot. Seeing eachother after a long day of work would be sooooo nice."
I smiled looking at my phone.

"Yeah you are right."

"So, when are you coming ?"

"Hey be patient Kills, it's gonna take sometimes to prepare everything."

"But you miss me, take a ticket for California and come I don't want to be patient."
I giggled behind my phone.

"You have to wait one month, it's not that much."

"It's way to long for me Night."

"Sure, in a week then ? It's the best I can do."

"Aw you would come faster just for me ?"

"Yeah I mean I am obligated."
He laughed.

"It's for my mental health Nightmare, if you don't come I'll call you everyday even tho you are working."

And then, after a week of taking everything necessary in my apartment, I finally moved out and it was really nice even though living far away from my little town was scary.

Killer showed me every place he think I would like and he was right, it was amazing.

"Hey look at that Night !"
Killer showed me a house that looked like a little mansion.

"Woaw- is it your house ?"

"It's our home."

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