Chapter Nine

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Carmen's Pov
"Leave her be she's sleeping. But I'm gonna see if they'll let her rest until the concert later. She's been straining herself like no one knows."

"Alright thanks man for looking after her. When she's feeling better tell her to come to our room so we can have a talk with her. We didn't know she was stressing herself out with a new album." The fresh firmness of heat was hovering over my eyelids,it was a few seconds before I was fluttering my eyes deeply squinting at the hotel ceiling in my view. Slightly shooting my hands up for a moment.

I was even more startled by the dark blue stains across my palms causing me to flutter my eyes so extremely fast like, sitting up the blanket shifting off me for a moment.  I saw the tall body whip around to stare at me relaxing for a moment a smile going across his lips as he faced me.

"Hey you are awake. That's good I'm not totally shocked you crashed though you had a long night." A vibrant sleepy chuckle left me, rubbing one palm across the others to stare at the blue in confusion.

"How come my hands are blue? Also am I in your bed?" Each question came after the other causing me to panic with shyness, watching him sit on the edge of the bed with a grunt, running his hands all through out his hair deeply yanking it away from his view.

"Uh so around 6 am I brought you back here after we bought some hair dye because you insisted on dying it blue for your new album which I gotta say we didn't do half bad." He flashed me a side smile also showing me the little bits of blue on his hands causing me to let a soft laugh out in shock placing my palm over his.

"Oh wow that's kinda awesome." I said through my soft laughter, seeing him chuckle glancing down at his shoes.I

"After your dying episode and it was all washed out and dry which I gotta say your afro is beautiful, you went on a small stressed rant about how this album meant so much to you that it had to be perfect you cried a bit in my chest before you crashed so I let you sleep here." My tongue clicked against my cheek for a moment nodding quickly feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah that so sounds like me. Crying when I get stressed. having a quick manic dye episode before falling asleep." I joked to lighten the mood, brushing my finger tips over my cheeks a couple times before deciding to speak since he wanted answers after seeing me breakdown last night.

"The reason this album means so much to me, is because it's based off you. I've never really had a muse for my music you know? But it means a lot to me to make really good music without fucking up." His eyes were studying me intensely before a smooth hum left him.

"No I understand the feeling I get like that when I make music all my song writing books get like that. But even us sing writers we gotta learn when to take small steps back and to know when to step back okay? Even you." I nodded my head deeply wrinkling my nose up when he gently poked at it with his fingers a little.

"I'm honored I'm your muse this time around. Makes me a little shy but none the less you're a special kind of girl so I can't wait to hear it." I found my arms had wrapped around him in a tight hug feeling his arms snake around my upper back palms pressed there as he urged me closer resting his head on the side of my neck.

"Thank you for cheering me up last night.. I know it can be a handful reassuring someone I wanna enjoy the rest of the tour and not be stressed.. So thank you Andy I promise the remaining five songs will be made when I'm at my best." Rumbling chuckles were all I heard for a moment his palms still sliding all over my back with ease.

"You are so welcome Carmen. You mean so much to me and I just wanna see you having fun and being happy that's all yeah? You can come to me for anything just seeing your smile makes me happy." I felt this little shoot of adore going through my heart my head still resting slightly on the side of his own.

I hated that this feeling was just growing more than I could control and the more I tried to pull away from Andy so that it wouldn't grow out of control and I would be hurt it just increased because I knew he wasn't mine.

We broke from the hug after a soft moment with us both clearing out throats.

"When you feel up for it, you should let your friends know how you are feeling. They are super worried about you. So is CC he kept coming in here." He joked looking to the side at me.

I jolted a little in shock when a figure poked their head from the bathroom a toothbrush shoved in his mouth a deep scowl on his face.

"Nah dude don't lie that was you. You've been whining since she fell asleep." Andy let a soft chuckle out his eyes facing the carpet as he rubbed at his forehead.

"CC shut up."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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