Chapter Two

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Carmen's Pov
"Guys I honestly might faint." I breathed out a soft chuckle bringing my coat closer to me, I was bubbling with so much energy after today's little fan meet at the Hot Topic.

Never in my entire life did I think I would meet my life role model, and actually make him laugh, and see him fanboy briefly.

The night sky had filled out, and the moon had taken over for the sun, and it was time for everyone to head home, we usually all take the same SUV cause it's easier, but since everyone loved in different parts of LA also meant more gas.

As I was rambled on and on about how more handsome Andy was in person Scarlet was chuckling at me, ruffling my hair up. "I've never seen her talk so fast before." Scarlet giggled focusing on me.

"Because he is so amazing," I whined lightly nibbling and sucking my lower lip, a bad habit I had indeed when I was nervous, caused my lips to bruise and bleed a lot. It was just as bad as me always smoking when I was stressed but then there's always another way I haven't done in forever.

As I kept rambling on and on I blinked in confusion when Daniela was smiling brightly like she saw something and JD just grinned shaking his head.

It was then I felt a new set of arms wrapped around my shoulder blades, and I knew right away, my deep fangirling had been heard.

"Awe I am so honored you feel this way about me, Carmen." My own face was heated greatly, but I smiled looking up to see Andy had stuck around.

"Hi, Andy." I giggled shyly, very embarrassed that he heard my Daniel rant. Andy flashed me a grin as he pinched my cheeks casually.

"Hey Carmen, hey guys." He called getting mixed greetings from everyone. "So to cut this short since everyone's tired, do you mind if I take Carmen home? It's not every day I get to chance to meet someone I admire, and plus she seems to be deeply fangirling." He joked.

I puffed my cheeks out in embarrassment, hearing Scarlet release yet another laugh out. "We don't mind, just make sure you get our leader home safe," Logan exclaimed out lifting an eyebrow up as he folded his arms briefly.

Andy grinned even more if that was possible, and under the streetlights, I could still see all his handsome features "so what do you say, Carmen? Can I drive you home?"

"Hell yeah, you can."

"So I am 100% sure my name also is a famous porn star's name." The laughter that escaped from Andy sent me into a round of shy giggling, as I looked out the window of Andy's car as he kept driving smoothly.

The chatter and chats in the car seemed to just keep growing more and more. One topic after the other was brought up, and it almost felt like that for years me and him were friends.

It was easier to talk to him then I imagined, even though he could talk over someone so fast, and then he would stop himself, getting shy apologizing. I just found it really cute.

"I'm pretty sure you do, but this Carmen is my favorite," Andy called through his laughter, it made the grin stay across my face as I leaned on my fist, seeing my neighborhood was slowly coming into view since I was guiding Andy.

"You guys are going on tour soon aren't you." I chimed glancing at Andy with a happy smile, "That we are, it's gonna be a really long one." Andy chuckled tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

His deep blue eyes flicked back to look at me, and my breath increases at how perfect the moonlight was able to hit across his face. Man was he beautiful. I thought inside my mind.

"You'll do amazing like always." I praised seeing he had pulled up to my house, and I held back the deepest urged to pout, sinking back into the dark leather of the seats.

"Well looks like I am home." I commented with a smile looking Andy some more. "Thank you for driving me home, I had a lot of fun, just as much fun as watching you fanboy." I giggled when he rolled his eyes playful, licking his lower lip.

"It was my pleasure Carmen, I had fun too, you're really bubbly, I don't know why I imagined you being mean." He chuckled at me.

"No that's just Dark Phoenix's image we are all softballs and nice." I smiled my hand already on the handle of the door, getting ready to head out, but I felt Andy had grabbed my other hand quickly.

"Hey Carmen wait. " I heard a gentle stammer out. I looked back at Andy curious like, seeing he was shifting his eyes around, chewing heavily at his own lower lip.

"I know this is kinda random, and it's not official yet till I talk with our manager and stuff. But how would you and everyone like to join us for tour? It could be Black Veil Brides and Dark Phoenix."

"Holy shit!"

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