Chapter Six

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Carmen's Pov
Adjusting my phone a little better I stared at the screen a little focusing on it as much as possible listening to Daniela munching on a bag of Doritos she had bought after the really long and amazing first concert of the tour.

It ended with an awesome bang and I honestly knew it was gonna be fun, and I enjoyed it. "Carmen can you say hi Ashley, hi Ashley." I chuckled waving at my phone screen staring at my Instagram live focused with a smile watching Daniela whip around before she flopped on her stomach to look at my phone happily grinning waving.

"Yes I am very tired from tonight concert but it was super fun and amazing I had to stop myself from passing out." I chuckled scratching above my eyebrow a bit grunting out when I shifted the bed creaking under my weight.

"New York is beautiful I think they have better Doritos." I let a small snort out but whipped my phone around to get a look at Daniela popping the orange chip in her mouth happily.

"Such a weirdo." I laughed quietly tucking my dyed purple hair back.

"Where's Andy? Well I am assuming he is in his room and not." I paused for a minute but sighed quietly shaking with laughter when I heard a few people running down the halls of the hotel. I know for a fact one of them was JD and the others had to have been Andy and CC.

"Not running around the hotel like children." I finished off with a light laugh griping my phone tighter.

"We are basically on tour with a bunch of children which reminds me, you guys saw Andy flirting with Carmen the entire time." I coughed out a quick laugh to cover up in noise of protest looking at Daniela still on live with around 700K people.

"What! No he wasn't." I laughed.  "Uhh yeah he was, those pretty blues were watching you the entire time, our fearless leader gets all the men." I rolled my eyes amused and saw Daniela lean back to hug the large stuff animal close.

"Who gets just a friend a big ass teddy I want one." I covered her mouth quickly.

"Okay! Enough about that." I laughed nervous looking at all the comments flooding in the fast.

"What are my thoughts on Juliet?" I sank my teeth in my lip tucking my legs under me.

"Well I've never met her so I can't judge someone or bash them based off you know solely just videos and stuff if I don't know them personally." I chuckled rubbing my fingers over my chin a little.

"She seems like a nice talented woman, she's really beautiful and I know she's good at singing. " I smiled nodding shaking my hair out a bit.

"Next questions that aren't about Andy! I don't wanna be all shy he still is my hero basically." I laughed it off to keep my thoughts away from him. I needed them away from him for as long as I could.

Andy's Pov
"Dude we are gonna be in trouble tomorrow I'm too beautiful to be hit by Lola." I snorted through my beer glancing over at JD. Who was whining loudly laying back not too far from the pool that was glowing this light blue surrounding me, and CC as well.

"You'll live." CC chuckled dragging his bare feet in the water while I looked up at the sky the best I could even with all the talk buildings. This was the life tour and tour buses. Different lifestyles and food.

"Yo Carmen is live I swear if she is talking about me." I perked up a little at her name but I moved close when JD showed his phone for me to see. I cracked a small smile seeing her short form while her and Daniela were on her bed.

"Lord there's so many questions about Andy how am I suppose answer some of these?" I heard her sweet laughter that made me blink a few times.

"I bet it's about you picking her up on stage during Ribcage." CC laughed at me quietly while I rolled my eyes playfully.

"That's what duets are for you have fun you idiots." I chuckled drinking the rest of my beer. Still peering over JD's shoulder.

"Where did she get that big ass bear from I want one." JD huffed out small drunk laughter.  I did notice she was cuddling the bear I had gotten and I wasn't sure why but it just made my heart swell with this happiness. I know she was a secret little but just hid it like no other.

"I got that for her." I stated proudly hearing CC and JD both coughed out rough laughs "And you are trying to tell me that you don't have like the smallest crush on her?" CC commented at me. I was quick to shake my head pulling my hair back.

"Come on guys I told you it's not like that I am with Juliet, Carmen is just a really good friend." I answered. JD scrunched his face up a bit looking from his phone screen back at me chuckling messing with his hair.

"Man Andy you got it bad." He chuckled. I just sighed quietly shaking my head with a small light smile.

Carmen is just a friend that's all I see her as... Right?

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