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A little while later, Emma's mom picks her up. I wave good-bye from the front steps, then close the heavy doors of Glenmorrag Castle. But just as I'm doing so, there's a knock on the door - the physician has arrived. I let him in. He's tall and bespectaled, and he's carrying a black leather doctor's bag.

"Dr. MacEwan, you're here," Niall says, appearing behind me. "Grandmother's feeling a bit winded today," he adds. "Follow me."

Niall glances briefly at me, and leads the doctor to Elizabeth's first-floor room. I follow, almost afraid of what I'll find. Will Elizabeth still be evil? Will she remember?

What I find when I peek in is a frail, sobbing old woman, lying in bed.

She sees me walk in. "Oh, Ivy," she says, through her tears. "I'm ever so sorry, lass. Come here."

I blink. Does she remember? Slowly, I walk toward her.

"For what?" I ask.

"Well, for being a mean old goat, for one," she says. Her voice is different. Her eyes are softer. Everything about her says sweet little old granny.

I'm in shock. Was the magic truly that dark, black, and fast?

"It's okay, Lady Elizabeth," I say gently. "Really."

"Please," she begs. "Gran. 'Tis what my boy here calls me."

Niall smiles at me, and nods.

"Sure thing, Gran," I say.

Niall pats his grandmother's arm and we leave her in the physician's care.

In the hall, Niall turns to me and gives a winsome smile. The lines that fan out at the corners of his eyes seem a little deeper this morning, though. "I'm . . . sorry, for everything, Ivy," he begins. "You know, for no' trying to . . . understand a bit better. With you," he clarifies. "I know it's been hard on you since your mother and I have wed. I hope things - we - can get to know each other a wee bit better?"

I return the smile, and it comes easy. "I'd like that, Niall," I say.

In his eyes I see honesty, sincerity, and I'm again so glad that he's been innocent in everything involving the ring. "I never once fancied tae take the place of your da," he says solemnly. "But if you need a fatherly figure to talk to, ever . . ." He dips his head in a frank nod. "You come to me. Anytime. And I'm sorry it took sae long tae tell you as much."

I see Niall in a whole new light, and it fills me with a sense of peace I haven't had in a long time. "Thanks, Niall. I appreciate that. And I'm sorry if I've been a teenaged brat." I smile. "I'll work on that."

A boyish grin makes him look years younger. "You've no' been a brat, Ivy," he says. "You're a fine young lass with an extrordinary gift." He nods. "I'm glad we're family now."

And I am, too. I climb the stairs with Niall, and he parts at the second floor to see about my mom. I head to my room, alone.

A heavy feeling settles over me as I walk up to the third floor. Exhaustion pulls at me, and something else. Something much weightier than sleep deprevation. It's a pressure, building inside of my chest, and by the time I make it to my room, I kick my shoes off and fall into bed. My body wants to sleep, but my mind races to counteract it. So much has happened, and in a short amount of time.

It's now all starting to sink in. Really, really sink in.

That pressure in my chest tightens, and my throat begins to burn. Tears break through and stream down my cheek and onto my pillow.

"Logan," I whisper out loud. I dry my cheek with my sleeve. "Are you there?"

Straining my eyes, I stare into the dim haze of the barely there light of my room. Everything is still, the shadows are silent, and the only sound I hear is the wind pushing through the cracks of the old stone walls. I try again.

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