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The twinkling lights in the ancient kirk emit amber hues over the stone walls. The crowd gathered in the seating area below the stage are cast in shadows. Only in the first few rows are the faces visible.

I'm here.  At the Strings of the Highlands festival. In Inverness. Wicked sweet.

Sir Malcolm Catesby, famed violinist, is in the audience somewhere. The thought makes me sweat a little.

But in the front row, Logan's stare is fastened directly onto mine, and I smile.

Nervous butterflies beat a crazy rhythm inside of my stomach. I can't believe I'm one of the violinists competing. It blows my mind completely. There are twelve of us and we stand in a single row across the stage.

Emma helped me pick out my dress last night. It's a simple black shift, with a pair of black strappy heels that aren't too daring or high. They're just right. She insisted that I wear my hair down, and I did. She says
the black dress shows off my sassy pink streak. I hope she's right.

I glance into the audience again. Emma is sitting beside Logan, and she's holding hands with Serrus. Next comes my mom, now hugely pregnant and beaming. Then Niall and, yes, Gran Elizabeth - the last person I'd
thought would be showing up to support me. She looks serene and proud. They'd met Logan, who I'd introduced as a cousin come to live with the Munros, and had instantly taken a liking to him. Jonas is here, too, and
even lan cleaned up for the event.

I can't see the second row, but I know it's made up entirely of the other Munros. Amelia, Ethan, his brothers and cousins. I shake my head. I still can't fully grasp everything that's transpired.

Headmistress Worley is seated off to the side, and I catch her gaze. She gives me a thumbs-up.

I'm number seven down the line of violinists, and the first six are phenomenal. My nerves are jumpy, but every time I look at Logan he smiles, and immediately, I feel
calm again.

"And for your pleasure, next is our lovely American, Miss Ivy Calhoun, playing her own composition, Forevermore." The director nods to me, giving me my cue to begin.

The lights dim, all except the one centered on me. I let everything wash through me, over me, all that's happened since I first set foot at Glenmorrag. It races through my veins and winds its way to my fingertips like a live thing.
My arm lifts, sets the bow, and slowly, I begin to play. Every emotion I feel, for my dad, my mom and Niall, my soon-to-be siblings, my new friends, and even old Elizabeth, pours into my melody.

Especially my feelings for Logan Munro. They have become my muse.

Everything inside of me is silent, save the music.

And I play. The melody starts out haunting. I change tempo, and add that something extra that makes the music mine. It's sometimes frowned upon, but I've learned to accept me for me.

And this is my music. My way. My bow flies over my strings, faster, fastes, and then slows. The music evokes the ghostly spirit of the Highlands.

When I finish, I'm out of breath. The applause is deafening. It's what brings me back to the stage, from the place I go to when I sink into my song. My gaze finds Logan's, and he's standing with the rest of them, clapping so hard and grinning so widely, my heart soars.

Then he mouths the words I love you.

I smile, and then I laugh. I love you, too, I mouth in return.

I realize it doesn't matter if I win the contest or not.

This is my life. My destiny.

Unbelievable stuff. Stuff you find only in fairy tales. Except this time, it happened for real. Logan's for real.

And he's all mine.



"Thig crioch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh goal is ceòl"

The world will end but love and music endure.

        - Scottish Gaelic Proverb

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