Fairy Tail

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 I head back to the castle, my emotions roiling, and my desire to compose extinguished. I didn't think I'd ever get into a fight with a ghost, but my life is proving to be more and more surprising. 

 Up in my room, I open my laptop and decide to see what I can find out about Logan on the Internet. Turns out, not much. Searching Logan Munro just brings up a bunch of modern-day people named Logan Munro, and most of them not even in Scotland. 

 I suddenly wish for my dad. I miss him so much. I look at the framed photo of him I've placed on my bedside table. If ghosts can exist, I wonder, why didn't Dad try to contact me? To find me? Is it because he wasn't taken too abruptly? He'd been sick for a long time, and he'd put all his affairs in order before he passed. There was nothing for him to resolve. I swallow hard. 

 Logan said his death happened before his time. Was it really murder? And if so, who killed him? And why? 

 I sleep badly that night, dreaming of nonsensical things: talking hedge trimmers, icy-blue eyes that float around the castle, staring at me, following me. 

 Then, sometime in the night, something bolts me out of sleep. 

 I can't breathe.

 I sit up, coughing, pulling at the neck of my T-shirt. Scrambling out of bed, I continue to cough, tears rolling from my eyes. It feels like something is choking me, but nothing is there. The lights flicker on, then off, and the room grows icy cold.  Adrenaline rushes through me. 

 "Help!" I let out a strangled cry as I reach for the door. "Someone help -" 

 And just as suddenly, the feeling of invisible fingers against my throat passes. I slump to the ground, gasping for air. I wonder if anyone heard me cry out, but the castle remains silent and sleeping. Eventually, my fear subsides and I'm able to crawl back into bed, but I leave the lights on. 

 Apparently ghosts can hurt people after all. And they can lie, too. I am enraged.

 The next morning, instead of going down to breakfast, I grab my raincoat and rubber boots to go for a walk in the light rain. Maybe the cold Highland air will soothe me. I walk along the edge of the seawall, and let the chilly drops patter against my face until my cheeks grow numb. I walk, think, and listen to music. Logan might be easy on the eyes, but I've had enough of his interference in my life. I could have been seriously hurt last night. If I can solve the mystery of his death, maybe that will make him go away. It seems like the easiest solution. 

 My thoughts are swirling. When I get back to the castle, I want to escape up to my room, but Mom calls me into the sitting room. 

 "There you are, sweetie!" she exclaims. "I have something to tell you - I can't keep it in any longer!" She grasps my hand, kisses my cheek, and pulls me to stand next to Niall, who has risen from his seat. I chance a quick peek at Grandmother Elizabeth, silent in the corner. 

 "We have an announcement to make!" Mom says exitedly, and links her arm through her husband's. A twinkle flashes in her eyes.  

 "Aye, well," Niall says, and his gaze rests on mine for a nanosecond. "It looks as though the MacAllister family will grow by one more, come the spring." He pulls Mom close and kisses the top of her head. 

 I blink. What?

 A sound - not exactly a gasp, but more like a... gurgle - erupts from old Elizabeth, I'm tempted to make the same sound. 

 Mom smiles at me. "We're having a baby! Ivy, you're going to be a big sister!" 

 Surprise has me so choked up, I can't even reply. My gaze bounces between my mom and Niall. Mom's smile cracks her entire face in two, and she anxiously awaits my reaction. No wonder she's been pale and feeling "off" lately. 

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