Cries in the Dark

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"I'm back now, and you must come over together," Amelia says. "We've got a lot to talk about. And Ethan wants to meet Logan."

"He's anxious to meet you all, too," I say. "But there's a problem."

"What's that?"

I sigh. "Logan tried to hitch a ride in my stepdad's car and he sort of, I dont know, his body couldn't keep up. He just popped out of it."

"Hmm," Amelia says. "Let me talk to Ethan. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Sounds good to me," I answer. "Thanks, Amelia."

"You bet, kiddo."

Just then, Serrus's motorcycle pulls up the gravel drive. Pulling off his helmet, he sets it on the handlebar and comes toward me. At this point, Logan and Emma are walking away from the maze to join us.

"Hey guys," Serrus says, then turns to Logan. "Cousin."

"Cousin, yourself," Logan responds with a grin. "How is it to ride that big metal beast?" Logan inclines his head toward the motorcycle.

Serrus smiles. "From what I hear, if 'tis left up to Ivy here, you'll one day be able to know that for yourself." He grins at me. "You're all the talk up at the Munro tower."

"Oh, boy," I say, and Serrus laughs.

"All good talk, I promise," Serrus assures. "So what are you all up to?"

Quickly, we fill him in on our findings at the library, the story, and what Ian says about Elizabeth. Serrus whistles low.

"Aye, the Munros talk about that storm every so often," Serrus says. "Ethan swears it had roots in the dark arts."

I feel my ears prick up. "What do you mean?"

"'Twas black magic that caused such a change in the elements," he says.

"Well, I'm going over to talk to Amelia as soon as possible," I say, and look at both Serrus and Emma. "You guys want to come?"

"Aye," they say in unison.

"Ethan's trying to figure out a way for Logan to get there," I explain, glancing at Logan. "Last time, it didn't work out."

"He will," Serrus says. "When Ethan Munro decides something, he doesna turn loose until he's seen it happen."

That comforts me. I want Logan to go. He has to.


Sure enough, later that evening, after Emma and Serrus have gone home and I'm getting ready for bed with Logan outside my door, I get a text from Amelia.

Ethan has drawn a walking map for Logan, and I've e-mailed it to you. It's not on the modern roads, but a path Logan would have walked during the time he was alive. Ethan says he should leave at daybreak. Once he's here, I'll come and get you.

I hurriedly open my door and hustle Logan inside, explaining Amelia's text.

"Aye, 'tis worth a try, indeed," Logan agrees.

I check my e-mail and print out Ethan's map. Logan and I go over it together. Logan knows exactly where the tower is and what path to take. He'll depart before day-break so he'll have enough time to get there.

Before Logan leaves my room for the night, he gives me a long look. "Thank you."

I cock my head. "For what?"

His eyes soften, like liquid mercury in an old thermometer. "For what you're doin' for me."

Without breaking our gaze, I smile. "I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing."

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