Ch1 - From Nothing to Something

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2nd POV

9 years ago, what would you say about the idea of reincarnation? You wouldn't know. You were still far too young to understand that concept, especially with what your parents engraved into your mind at the time. They never cared for that sort of thing. All they cared about was their careers, their jobs, and their money. You and your siblings included as well... kind of... but they still cared about you and your futures

Most importantly, you wished you'd focused on things other than what your parents engraved into your skull; things that didn't involve publicity, reputation, careers, money. 

You became an actress-- one hell of a good one at that-- at a young age. Sure it was fun, but you still missed the normalcy that most children your age at the time had. You missed the things children would do-- You grew up too fast, unfortunately. As you look back now, you realize how much you've missed out on-- how much had slipped through your fingers. 

Yet, as you stared up at the white, popcorn ceiling, you realize that as of right now; not only did your past slip through your fingers but your future as well. But what more can you do now?

You were bleeding out, unable to walk, and unable to call for help. You might've caved that robber's skull in with a pan, and a foldable chair, but in the end... 

You laughed, recalling the sounds that resonated from the pan and chair after it struck the robber. You coughed out the blood as you struggled to breathe, realizing that one of the stab wounds was near a vital point. You were no doctor but knew that you didn't have enough time, but you didn't mind. It felt peaceful, here, despite you bleeding out. You didn't have an ounce of worry.

Your mind swarmed with jokes that caused you to laugh internally. Lifting your head, you looked down at the knife that stuck out of your abdomen, a lazy grin made its way to your face as you slurred your words: "Ahaha, I guess I wasn't cut out for life, huh?"

Tiredly, your head dropped back down, as your eyes fluttered back to the plain ceiling above you. You felt your senses going numb with each passing second. You felt tired. Sleep was calling for you. 

"H-Hey... Robber dude. What you did wasn't very... knife of you..."

And in a matter of moments, your consciences drifted off into an eternal slumber. 


You didn't know where you were. It felt odd. You couldn't... see anything. You couldn't feel anything. You couldn't hear anything. There was just nothing. Absolutely nothing. You had no idea where you were. 

Absolutely nothing

You were just there. You just... existed. But while you were still existing, you can still remember. You remembered everything. Your past life, how you 'just' died, your family, friends. You remembered it all. Especially the simplest thing like your (fav/food) and (fav/dessert). Oh! As well as your (fav/snack)!! Can't forget about that...

But if there was one thing you couldn't remember... it would be the time. How long has it been since you were here? You wish you had the answer, but the way your current state is, you'd say that it was impossible to find the answer. 

You didn't know how long it's been, and you were too lazy to count the seconds that passed; the seconds that became minutes, hours, days, months, years... You were just floating there for... forever, you could say. And you were getting tired of it. 

This nothingness that you 'experience' now is driving you mad, gnawing at the back of your nonexistent mind. And that's the thing. It didn't feel like you were here for long, and yet... it still has that effect on you! This- This complete nothingness is already driving you mad!!

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