Ch7 - Wishful Thinking

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A/n: Sorry to keep you guys waiting for so long. This is going to be a short chapter. If you saw the edit from the last chapter, I apologize, I lied; I wasn't able to get much done :<.  I don't know how long it'll take until the next update.  I tried getting back my motivation to write, but it may take a long time. I'm brewing some ideas for the next chapter so hopefully, it'll get me back into writing this book. 

Your POV

'Life couldn't have gotten any weirder than it already is, right?' You thought, staring at the other hand that grasped the last copy of the video game. Your eye twitched as your gaze slowly shifted over to the owner of the hand, "Excuse me, I believe I was going to get this copy." 

"I was too."

Your eye twitched, "I had my hand on it first."


"Get your hand off." Was your instant response, as you tugged the game thing toward yourself. The guy persevered as he held onto the game, tugging it back towards himself, "Dude..."

"If you don't hand it over I'm going to kill you." The guy threatened, glaring at you from underneath the black hoodie cast over his face. 


". . . What do you mean 'so'?"

"Is that threat supposed to scare me?" You inquire, tilting your head to the side, still holding the game case, "You gotta get more creative with it, dude. I can do the job myself if I really want to, y'know? A goose too."

The guy stared at you, jaw slightly agape as he stared at your blank expression. 

Taking his surprise as an advantage, you yoinked the game out from his hand and turned to walk away. The guy retaliated and grabbed his hand to the base of your neck, his hands squeezing themself around your neck. 

Your eye twitched, as you slowly turned your head to look at him, "What's the big idea?" You asked, deadpanning. Your iridescent eyes bored into his crimson ones with a look of mild annoyance, "Who the hell are you? Are you trying to rob me now?"

The guy's eyes widened in surprise at your blank and casual reaction, a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face as he stared at you, completely fine and not dust. 

You raised your arm, "Don't interfere with my shopping." You state firmly, bringing your arm down onto the man's neck. The man practically collapsed to the floor from the amount of force you applied in your attack. 

You stared, down at the hooded man, brows furrowed, "The hell was his problem?" You mumble to yourself, approaching the register with your reward in hand. 


"Y/n-chan..." Izuku mumbles, shoulders slumped as he listens to your story that occurred the other day. It was lunchtime now, and everything was fine. You had some good friend-lore to share with your new friends too, Uraraka and Iida. 

Uraraka chuckles nervously, swallowing a spoonful of food. She responds, "You... You don't seem fazed by your encounter."

You shrug, smiling slightly at your food, "I haven't exactly had the quietest life, so... believe me, been there, done that. Mr. Worldwide. Mr.305."

"H... Huh?" The three of them stared at you with dotted eyes as you smiled happily, ignoring their questioning stares as you continued to eat your food. 

You ignored their inquisitive stares as you contently continued munching on your meal. You wanted to so desperately tell them of the new pen pal friend you made within a single day, but maybe they'd be concerned. 

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