Abandoned Millhouse

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As the remaining stand there ground at the millhouse the Syndicate approaches

Lara: (Sets up traps) We need to hold them down. (As I wind up my bow shooting one in the head)

Finley: (Looks at all the members as hears shuffling in the sideline where there aren't any of the members and looks over noticing Scott) Is that....

Scott: (Runs over and has a few guild members behind me) Thought you'd want help... Or was I wrong? (Looks at Finley then Lara as notices all the Shadow Syndicate members)

Lara: (Points my bow at Scott) I think we are doing just fine "Scott"

Scott: (Holds hands up) Wow lady.. I'm here to help.. (Looks at the Guild members and sends them to attack the Syndicate members)

Guild Members: (Runs and goes to start attacking the Syndicate Members)

Lara: (Whispers to the others) Watch them carefully, they are still guild members who pretty much work for the syndicate.

Finley: (Looks at Lara and knocks an arrow that is flying at her face away from her) Yeah yeah, that's what you said about me.. (Grabs my throwing dagger and throws it into a tree making it bounce off into a Syndicate Member)

Lard: (Just smiles as starts throwing my daggers)

Sir. Valentine: I believe you don't worry. (Blocks an arrow from hitting my face) I hate archers... (Starts to run at full speed at the archers swinging at their heads)

Lara: (Pulls a trap I set up raising a row of wooden spikes penetrating some syndicate members as the charge in towards Valentine from his side)

After a while the few Guild Members along with Scott all walk back to the Millhouse with Lard, Lara, Finley and Sir. Valentine.

Finley: Think they're all gone.. And or retreated. (Shakes some blood off my swords)

Lara: They might have gone after the three that escaped.

Scott: Then we should go after them to help. (Walks up as shakes a bit of blood off my daggers)

Lara: (Shakes head) That's up to you guys I'm going on my own. (I run off into a different direction from which Alana, Elizer, and Lynara ran and heads straight to Helga's Grove for reinforcements)

They all start to head towards Eclipse forest as they look around.

Eclipse Forest

Finley: Man this place is crazy.

Others: (Follows behind as looks around)

Meric: (Slowly creeps up on them in my panther form and a few others as we circle around them)

Lard: I feel like we're being watched...

Sir. Valentine: Yeah.. I do too.. (Looks around as sees nothing)

Meric: (Slowly walks towards them growling eyeing them as the others start to come out of their hiding spots)

Kane: That's a big cat mate.. (I point at Meric)

Meric: (Growls loud at the Kane to scare him causing him to fall on his back)

Kane: (Falls on my back as I reach around for my bow to shoot the beast) Stay back you filthy beast! (He holds his other hand out)

Ronin (Fires an arrow at the beast) I got you bro!

Meric: (Catches the arrow in my mouth as breaks it with my teeth and hisses stopping a few feet away from them)
Finley: Stop shooting at them both of you..

Three Idiots, One Fate Part 2Where stories live. Discover now