Lynara P.O.V

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Lynara: (Slows down as lets them off as nudges both Elizer and Alana onwards as turns and runs off since this is as far as I can get and starts to head back to the Millhouse to follow Lara's scent and once catches her scent starts to follow it jumping through the shadows staying in my tiger form so can run faster)

After a while it is dark and Lynara ends up in a Grove of some sorts.

Lynara: (Looks around to see if I can catch the scent again as keeps wandering around)

Lara: (Emerges from the grove with a owl on my shoulder as notices Lynara)

Lynara: (Looks over at Lara and then looks at the owl and transforms to human form slowly) Is that...

Lara: (Looks at Luna) I was about to send her to the others. (I look at Luna) Do you know her?

Luna: (Looks at Lara and then at the person confused as stays on Lara's shoulder and then flies off her shoulder turning to human form as you can see the resemblance) I don't remember... but looks familiar. (Looks at Lara and walks back to her then returns my glance towards Lynara)

Lynara: (Smiles a bit as just tilts head as sighs a little upset)

Luna: Who is she? (Looks at Lara)

Lara: (Shrugs) But you two do look similar, maybe.. sisters?

Luna: (Blinks and looks at Lynara) I have sister?

Lynara: (Smiles at her) Yeah.. Older sister.. (Whistles a bedtime song)

Luna: (Backs up and stands behind Lara a bit scared) How... know the song..

Lara: (Looks at Luna and pats her on the head) Don't worry she won't bite. (I nudge Luna forward gently)

Luna: (Walks up to her and smiles and hugs Lynara)

Lynara: (Hugs Luna back as looks at Lara dipping my head in a thank you)

Lara: (Looks at both of them) I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on?

Luna: (Looks at Lara) Want help with my sister too. (Looks at Lynara)

Lynara: (Smiles and looks at Lara) I'll help with whatever you need. In a thank you for keeping her safe.

Lara: You're not obligated too, you're free just like her to do as you wish.

Lynara: That is not the code I grew up on as a child when I trained to become a warrior, I help those who help me. Please let me help you with one thing.

Lara: Well what can you help me with exactly? (As I lean in)

Lynara: What is it you need to do?

Lara: ... And you'll do anything?

Lynara: I follow the code of the Eclipse Warriors, if I don't then I am not a true protector. Whatever it is I will help you with.

Lara: I already know where to find Xeros, so I'm not really sure what you can assist me with. (As I rub my chin thinking)

Lynara: Well I will let you think about it.

Lara: Do you know anything about the guild members associated with the Shadow Syndicate?

She explains the Guild Members that helped out during the millhouse battle. Telling her that the guys at the Millhouse aren't working with the Shadow Syndicate.

Lynara: Anything else you wish to know more about?

Lara: Anything we should know about the ritual that's about to happen two days from now?

Three Idiots, One Fate Part 2Where stories live. Discover now