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"As I was saying-"

Abuela continues glaring at Camilo as he scoots his chair in.

"I am so grateful for all of us to be joined here today, and for our visitor Y/N and her swift recovery."

Everyone began clapping and I awkwardly smiled. At first I had worried that I would feel like I was intruding on a family dinner, but they were so welcoming. Any anxiety I had been feeling started to melt away.

Abuela lifted her glass, saying "Cheers, to new beginnings."

"Cheers!" Everyone said in unison. I lifted up my cup to clink glasses with everyone. After everyone had taken a sip of their drinks, food was brought out by a moving serving table. The Madrigals didn't seem shocked by this at all, they took the large bowls off the table as it rolled by and placed them in the center of the table. After all the bowls were in place, everyone fell silent.

In an instant I felt a hand grab mine under the table and intertwine our fingers. I whipped my head to the right to see Camilo, when he noticed my confusion he cocked an eyebrow. I was so flustered, I had just met him. Who did he think he was? Was I overreacting? Then I felt someone take my other hand. I turned my head to see Mirabel. I looked at her so completely puzzled. Was holding hands a normal occurrence in this family? Should I say something?

Mirabel began to whisper something to me

"We're about to say grace."

I mentally facepalmed. Of course, they're grabbing my hands because they are about to pray. To be fair, I haven't done this whole family dinner thing in awhile. I let out a deep sigh of relief. Camilo stifled a laugh, and his mom instantly shushed him from across the table. I closed my eyes as they began to pray, not entirely sure how I fit into all of this.


Everyone began serving themselves and asking for bowls to be passed down the table. The clamor and several separate conversations of the table were refreshing.

"Hm, I like what you've done with your hair Y/N."

Camilo states as he leans his elbow on the table, his head in his hand, looking at you.

"Oh thank you, it was really all Isabella and Mirabel." I respond bashfully while reaching out to trace my fingers down the braid. I have no idea why this boy made me so nervous, but it was frankly a little alarming.

Get a grip Y/N!

"Thank you again for earlier." I say in a clear tone with more confidence.

"Hey seriously, don't sweat it. It's not every day I get to save a girl as beautiful as you." He realized what he said after it left his mouth, he looked away from me and rubbed the back of his head. Slightly embarrassed but holding onto his confident nature.

Everyone in the family continued having their own conversations and would occasional ask me a question or I'd comment on one of their stories. I stayed quiet for most of the dinner though, understanding that I was a stranger to these people. I loved listening to their family banter and civil bickering though. It felt like home again.

After dinner I was overly stuffed. I had eaten my fair share of Bandeja Paisa and could absolutely not take another bite. A full belly was a feeling I'd forgotten.

We all put our dishes on the serving carts and it hurriedly rushed the plates into the kitchen. Man, my brother would've loved this. Just then, Julieta began to speak to me,

"So Y/N, where are you staying?" She asks sweetly, such a motherly thing to do. Everyone ceases their separate conversations to listen in.

"I'm sure I'll find somewhere safe while I travel." I respond, lying. I usually end up sleeping on a Forrest floor.

"You mean you are traveling by yourself, at night, through the mountains?" Julieta asks, wide eyed.

"It's not as bad as it seems." I lie again.

Pepa chimes in, "Aye, do you hear this girl Julieta? You will stay with us for at least a few days! What kind of people would we be if we turned this child lose in the dark!" She says it sternly while motioning her arms upwards. But her words are filled with concern and compassion.

I feel like I should disagree, like I should tell them I'm leaving either way. But I feel so compelled to stay, and even if my power doesn't originate from the same place theirs does, I could still learn from them. I hesitate for a moment, then say

"I wouldn't mind staying for a few days, if you'll have me" I spoke collectedly.

"Um yes please, I need a new face around here!" Mirabel says dramatically. I laugh.

"And I wouldn't mind at all." Camilo says with a big grin.

In result, Abuela stands up

"It's settled then, welcome Y/N," She says with a polite smile and a wave of her hand, "To the Madrigals!"


Hey everybody! Hope everyone's enjoying the story, also any suggestions on sibling names for Y/N and/or power suggestions. Something to do with emotions but idk what lol. Also do you guys like when everything's calm in the book or do you want more drama? Lol. Thanks for reading.

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