(Hey guys, so I've been gone for like a million years im so sorry 😭. It was honestly hard to get motivation to finish this story because I started losing interest but I wanted to finish this fic for those who enjoyed it! This chapter will be the "last" of this time frame, then I might add a next chapter which would be a skip forward so I can wrap everything up (for now thats unlikely) . I'm so sorry if it doesn't live up to your expectations, but I definitely wanted to publish something for all you lovely people!)
Bruno chuckled awkwardly and mumbled something under his breathe.
"Im sorry- I didn't quite catch that...?" I asked quietly, eager to get an idea of what he was thinking.
He looked up at me with a mix of confusion and wonderment.
"This wasn't in my vision." He stated blankly, shrugging his shoulders. I rose my eyebrows in surprise.
"You had a vision about me?" I questioned curiously.
"Well, it was an accident. I was actually looking into Camilo's future- and you just kinda... well appeared?" He explained while gesturing his hands toward me.
"What did you see?" I asked, adjusting my position to relieve an ache building up in my leg. I bit the inside lining of my cheek anxiously.
His lips curled into a small smile, "I think that's for you and you only to discover."
I sighed in frustration. What was he not telling me? Before I could press him further, we heard a squealing noise from the entrance of the cave.
"Who's there?" Bruno asked, quickly standing up in a defensive position.
Camilo hobbled out of a dimly lit corner with a guilty sheepish grin.
"Uh hey- Bruno, Y/N, funny to see you here..." He leaned against the wall giving a small wave while shaking his leg in hopes to rid himself of the rat who had just scurried by him.
"Funny to see me here? I live here?!" Bruno responded shaking his head. "You've never been good at snooping, Camilo." Bruno said with a sigh. I covered my smile with my hand.
"In my defense, I was a little worried that this meeting would've ended badly. We don't know much about Y/Ns powers and if something were to go wrong- and something happened to them... I just wouldn't be able to forgive myself."
"Alright lover boy," Bruno said with a chuckle, "Maybe it's best we end the lesson here, Y/N is probably tired and well deserving of a nap. Plus, I have to rethink some things..." Bruno quickly shuffled away, disappearing by a large stone door.
"Hey, can we go on a walk?" Camilo asked me quietly once we were downstairs and out of Bruno's room.
"Of course." I eyed him curiously, noticing his serious demeanor. I wonder what was on his mind.
"Perfect." He smiled that perfect smile and intertwined our fingers.
After about an hour of aimlessly walking around a flowering forrest, I notice Camilo's fidgeting hands. Is he... nervous?
"Is everything okay, you're practically sweating bullets." I ask concernedly.
His head snaps to me as if I interrupted a deep thought.
"Yes, yes- sorry." He replies, his eyes widening.
"No cunning remark or witty comeback? Who are you and what have you done with the real Camilo?" I question jokingly.
I can feel him tense his fingers.
"I guess- I've just been thinking about the future." He responds honestly.
"The future?" I ask confused.
"Yeah... My 18th birthdays in a month and I'll be expected to take on a lot of responsibilities."
"Even more than you already have?" I said with a laugh. He cracked a crooked smile, finally.
"Even more than I already have." He nodded.
"Goodness, are they going to make you carry donkeys like Luisa?!" I say dramatically.
"No no, nothing like that!" He reassures.
"Then what do you have to do?" I asked curiously.
"Well you know. I'll take on more jobs around the village, receive a spot on the town council-"
"Fancy." I interject. He grins.
"But I have to say that what I'm most excited for, and frankly nervous for- is that when I turn 18, I'm allowed to marry." He said softly.
My eyes widened and my heart rate picked up exponentially as Camilo stopped walking and turned to face me.
"I wanted to give you this the night at the cave, but I was scared." He lifted his hand to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear. With his other hand he pulled out a small box, the same one that was laying on the blanket the night we spent together. "But I don't think I'm scared anymore." Tears brinked my eyes as he spoke.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" He said, almost in a whisper. Revealing a gorgeous ring with your favorite stone fastened in the center.
"Yes, yes!" I stuttered out as he placed the ring on my finger, a perfect fit.
As he rose to his feet he cradled my head in his hands and began to smile uncontrollably. I closed the distance and kissed him, finding myself unable to control my own smile as well.
HEY EVERYONE THANK YOU SO MUCH. The amount of stuff that has happened to me in the past months is insane so I really do apologize for taking the longest break ever. Although I know the end is sudden, I tried to make it at least seem nice? I can clear anything up with the time skip chapter though! For my next project I was thinking about making a Y/N request book for different characters. I was wondering if you guys would like that and if so what specific characters would you like? I think that making a fic where I can kinda skip around to different stories would help me not burn out as fast! As always, thank you guys for reading and have a beautiful day!

You Found Me (Camilo x Reader)
Fanfiction*Takes place 2 years after the events of "Encanto." Y/N is a 17 year old girl who was forced to flee her village and leave behind her family. She travels far in hopes of understanding more about her "abilities," and searching for a place to finally...