"Hey Y/N," I'm feel gentle arms shake me, "we're about to get going. Isabella is going to try to part the trees so we can find a way out." I flutter my eyes open to see Camilo kneeling next to me.
"Oh okay..." I rub my eyes, not fully awake yet. He laughs a little while standing up. "Come on sleepyhead." He bends down and extend his arm out to me. I take it. In an instant he pulls me to my feet. I didn't even realize but I was clutching his Ruana to my chest, like a child holds a stuffed animal. That was a little embarrassing.
I lifted it up to hand it back to him. "Thank you by the way, you didn't have to do that."
The ends of his lips curled upward as he grabbed it from me. "Anytime. Maybe next time you can hold it like that with me still inside of it." His confidence flickered into fear for a split second. He awkwardly laughed and lifted his hand to the back of his head.
Camilo started, "Sorry I jus-"
It was my turn to make him nervous. I smiled mischievously, "Sounds good to me."
His whole face turned bright red. I laughed. As he stumbled to find the right words Mariano interrupted.
"I'm sorry to interrupt lovebirds but Isabela found a path back to the village. Let's go!" He said while motioning us to follow. This time, we didn't correct him. I let his words linger in my mind as we walked.
Were we really "lovebirds"? I still had my doubts about Camilo, I was really scared he was just a flirt. Maybe he talked to all girls like this? But then again the conversation we had last night made me think otherwise.
After a few minutes of walking we found Isabella and the path she had cleared. She had the branches and trees growing practically sidewise so we could see past the endless forest ahead.
"It's a lot easier to navigate this forest in the day." She called back to us, still concentrating on the task at hand. I could see the village in front of us. We kept walking and once we were out the trees returned to their normal upright state. Isabela dusted off her hands.
"We better hurry, our parents are all definitely worried." She said anxiously.
I gave her a confused look. The phrasing of that was sorta weird. Im sure that their parents were really worried. But mine are dead sooooo they can't really be worried about me anymore. Hm.
Where we ended up after leaving the forest wasn't too far from the Vegas, thankfully. They had a colorful house and since it was far from the village, they had acreage with animals grazing across it. It seemed very peaceful. We approached and knocked on the door.
Isabela and Camilo did all the talking once an elderly man answered. I noticed how people pleasing Camilo was, it's like he always knew just what to say to these people. The man disappeared from the doorframe for a second then returned with a charcoal gray colored molcajete. It was decently large and Mariano insisted he would carry it back home to make sure we got there safely. No one fought with him on it, we started walking home. Whoa, I just referred it home didn't I? I kinda like that.
While Isabela helped Mariano brainstorm better proposal ideas for Dolores, me and Camilo were chatting a few feet behind them. He was just finishing up a story-
"And I'm telling you- he really was huge Y/N. Like 7 feet tall!" He reached his hands up as high as he could to showcase his exaggeration.
"Are you sure?" I asked, not quite buying it.
"Would I ever lie to you?" He said with a chuckle. I paused for a second, would he? I think he noticed the pause because for a second he looked hurt.
"I know it's hard to believe..." He waves his hand in dismissal. "Oh but let me tell you about the day Antonio got his gift!" He started on his story.
When we started to approach Casita it was still early morning. We were still walking up when Pepa ran outside, a storming over her head.
"Dolores said you were here. What were you thinking? I was worried sick! And just before the party!" She pulled Camilo in for a hug, then grabbed my arm to pull me in as well. Her arms felt just like my mothers. I sunk into the hug, savoring every second. When she released me and Camilo, she walked over to Isabela and asked her if everything was okay.
Isabella explained all about Mariano's "brilliant" shortcut and about the night in the woods. Pepa laughed, her thunder storm disappearing.
"Mariano please bring that molcajete inside to Julieta if you don't mind.... And don't take any shortcuts!" Pepa stated with a finger wag, we all started laughing.
Everyone walked in the house and split up, I said a quick goodbye to Isabela and Camilo. They all had to do different things in preparation for the party today anyways, and I wanted to talk to Mirabel about this whole Camilo thing ASAP.
I looked around but couldn't seem to find her anywhere. I checked the kitchen, the garden, her room, I even asked around to see if anyone had seen her. It had been like 30 minutes already. I was walking back to the courtyard when I turned a corner and almost ran right into a short man with a green Ruana on. He lifted his hands up apologetically.
"Sorry sorry!" He mumbled something to himself under his breath as he hit his head with the palm of his hand. A squeaking noise came from under his Ruana. He walked away before I could even apologize.
"Wait-" But it was no use, he'd already left. I stood there confused. That must've been Bruno. Mirabel told me he could be awkward meeting new people. Well, maybe I'd have a chance to apologize later. I walked into the courtyard and finally spotted Mirabel. I practically sprinted over to her.
"Mirabel!" She smiled brightly at me. "Hey Y/N! Whatcha been up to?" She asked in an overly enthusiastic voice. "You'll never believe it." I said crossing my arms.
"Now I'm intrigued, come on spill!" She put down the small decorations she had in her hand. And leaned against a nearby pillar. I looked around cautiously, making sure no one was near us. She found this very amusing.
"Me, Camilo, Isabela, and Mariano all got stuck in the woods last night, right." I said.
"Oh really? That sounds like fun!" Mirabel says, her eyes lighting up.
"It was it was, but well um. I don't know, I got to spend a lot of time with Camilo and stuff..."
"Yeah yeah?" She was motioning for me to continue.
"I guess I just had a question about him." I scratched my arm nervously.
"Sure, shoot." She responded, intrigued.
"Is he- well is a he a flirt?"
"What do you mean?" She asked confused, her head tilting.
"Is he the type of guy who talks to every girl like he likes them when he doesn't? Does he just have a flirty personality?" I ask, biting the inner corner of my cheeks.
"Is that what you think?" Mirabel asks, her face dropping.
"What?" I ask puzzled.
"Is that all he is? Just a flirt? Just a guy who talks to you like everyone else." She grabs her arm in insecurity then starts to walk away.
"Mirabel? I'm confused. Did I say something to offend you?" I ask absolutely lost. What did I say? I started to move toward her but she put her hands up to stop me from following her. She ran off upstairs, her expression was riddled with sadness. What did I do wrong...?
"Y/N!! You're finally back!! I've been worried about you!" Says a familiar cheerful voice. I jerk my head back, to see an excited Mirabel walking towards me. What? I glance back at the stairs where I can still see the ends of Mirabels skirt disappearing behind a wall. Not really Mirabel. The dots start connecting in my head.
Uh oh.
"Everyone needs to start getting ready, we only have 2 hours left until the party starts! Finish up what you're working on then get dressed!" I hear Abuela call out from the kitchen.
What was I going to do?
Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoyed! Have a good night (or whenever you're watching this) Sorry about this chapter, I was super tired when I wrote it. Bye!

You Found Me (Camilo x Reader)
Fanfiction*Takes place 2 years after the events of "Encanto." Y/N is a 17 year old girl who was forced to flee her village and leave behind her family. She travels far in hopes of understanding more about her "abilities," and searching for a place to finally...