New Dress

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Mirabel drags me down the hall until we reach a door that surprisingly doesn't glow. She opens it and waits for me to walk in on my own. As I step inside I notice the sprawled out sewing supplies. It was like an creative explosion of color and thread. Mirabel motions to a small bed and I sit down. I scoot back on the bed and let my feet dangle above the ground. Mirabel is grabbing supplies from her desk and opening cabinets full of colored fabric.

"I'm sorry about Camilo, he just gets weird around pretty girls."

Mirabel says matter-of-factly, never lifting her eyes from the fabrics. I smile at the unexpected compliment. What she said sank in. Did Camilo really think I was pretty? What am I saying, I just met him. You can't like someone you literally just met, right? Right, I'm definitely just starved for human interaction.

"Hey Y/N, are you good? You're like super red right now. Do you need another arepa?!?"

Mirabel says concerned.

"No! No! Sorry, just a little overwhelmed is all."

Well technically that wasn't a lie. Being here was a bit overwhelming. There was so much going on, but to be honest, I haven't spoken to someone in awhile. It was kinda nice. Mirabel quickly apologized and after I reassured her that it was totally fine she reached into a cabinet.

She pulled out two new rolls of fabric and lifted them both up and down as she tried to pick one.

"Hmm blue or white... blue or white.. Oh I've got it! Both!"

She triumphantly lifted them both into air. I laughed and she looked at me with big smile. She quickly started to work on a entirely new skirt. Insisting that it was no trouble to her and that she'd have it finished that same day.

As we talked and her hands worked quickly using a needle on the fabric I felt myself opening up. She cracked jokes and I could help but think how magnetic she is.

This girl has spunk! I love it!

I asked her questions about her family and the magic and she told me about her family and their "gifts" as they call it. I don't think my powers came from a candle, but it was an interesting concept. As Mirabel went on and on, I rested my head on my arms and just listened. At first I was confused why Mirabel was so quick to befriend me, but she explained that living in such a small town meant there was never new people. And even then, there was only a handful of townsfolk and visitors her age.

Suddenly, someone barged in. She had long silky black hair and a colorful dress. I recalled her from Mirabels descriptions. Her sister, Isabella.
Isabella looks like she's about to speak but looks over at me confused and loses her words.

"Isa! What brings you to my side of town?"

Mirabels asks, continuing to work on the stitching.

"Just seeing if you finished that pattern you were telling me about last week." Says Isabella, still a little confused.

"Uh duh! I put it right over- Oh I totally forgot, Isa meet Y/N, Y/N meet my sister Isabella!"

Me and Isabella shook hands.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

A realization hit me. Mirabel said she could grow anything. Those plants that weren't native to this area must've been her.

"Wait you grow the exotic plants around the town right? They're gorgeous!"

I asked with a smile. I could feel her swell with pride.

"Thank you, I'm flattered."

She says almost royally, how could one girl possess so much poise? Mirabel hands her a embroidered pattern. I wonder what she intended to do with the intricate design. It was really gorgeous.

"Oh, do you like it?"

Isabella looks to me and asks curiously. I nod my head.

"Mirabel are you making that skirt for Y/N?." She asks.

"Yeah, I wanted her to have a new one!" Mirabel charismatically responds.

"Mind if I add a... magic touch?" Isabella asks with a grin.

Mirabel gives me a "you're about to have your mind blown" look and nods at Isabella. Suddenly the skirt Mirabel is stitching erupts with beautiful flowers of all sorts of colors. I gasp in awe as the buds bloom as if they've been embedded into fabric all along. With Isabella's flowers, the beautiful skirt is finished. Isabella then offers me a new ruffled blouse. In which she too, insists I take. This family was so generous! When they ask me to try the outfit on for them and they leave the room. Tears prick my eyes as I put on the new outfit. It's like I have two loving sisters again.

After I give them the "all clear" to come back in they gasp.

"Y/N, you look stunning!"
"That is just your color!"
"I can't wait for everyone at dinner to see it!"

I look at them shocked.

"I can stay for dinner?" I asked surprised.

"Of course!" They say in unison, as if it was obvious.

I let that sink in. It felt amazing.

Isabella, Mirabel, and Me all have a blast for the hour leading up until dinner. Mirabel braided my hair and Isabella left a trail of flowers in it. They let me wash up and I finally feel truly clean for the first time in a month. I look in a mirror and barely recognize myself. With Mirabel and Isabella's help, I look incredibly elegant and ready for dinner.

Dinner with the Madrigals, how lucky am I? Even though I didn't know they existed till today, I'm so glad I met this family.

"Kids, Dinners ready!"

I think I might have squealed of excitement. I could not wait to eat dinner with these people. As me and the girls made our way down the stairs, I saw their family. Some congregating, some finishing setting the table. It was wonderful thing, seeing a family this close.

Almost everyone was there and began taking their seats. Just as I began to question where I was supposed to sit, a chair hopped and swayed right next to Mirabel. I happily took the seat, awkwardly thanking a chair.

Definitely the weirdest thing I've ever done.

Mirabel was seated on my left and there was an empty chair on my right. As the rest of the family started filing in I noticed everyone Mirabel had spoken about. I greeted them politely.

An older woman walked around to the head of the table and started to speak.

"I'm so gratefu-"

She was abruptly interrupted by a tall curly haired boy who was not so successfully trying to sneak into his currently empty seat. The older woman looked at him sternly.

"Fashionably late as usual, Camilo." Said Mirabel with an unimpressed eye roll.

"Hey- All I'm hearing is that I'm fashionable." He says with a grin, making eye contact with me. He quickly takes his seat, right next to me.

Well, this dinner was going to be fun.


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