Family Bonding

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I woke up the next morning to find an empty bed across the room. Um... where is Mirabel? I grab the new outfit that I had laid out on the bed frame the day prior and hastily put it on. As I tucked in the white blouse into my skirt I noticed a sloppily written note on her desk. It read-

"Hey, so sorry I couldn't tell you this in person but you just looked wayyyy too peaceful sleeping! So, fear not! I haven't disappeared, I just promised I'd help my parents bring some food down to the market today! Okay so I'm not supposed to tell you this, but we're having some people from the town sample my moms food because we're hosting a party for a veryyy special event! I literally cannot contain my excitement, formal dresses? Yes please! We'll talk more about it tonight, okay? I'll explain everything! See you soon!!! -Mirabel :)"

I smiled and traced the little smiley face she drew. Even though I was a little upset that Mirabel had gone, I could still have a nice peaceful day, I thought to myself. After fixing up my bed head and brushing my teeth, I decided I'd see if the Madrigals had served breakfast yet.

As I went to open the door I could feel some resistance from the other side. Uh what? I pushed so hard that I was basically leaning all my body weight on the door.

Suddenly, whatever was on the other side moved. The door swung open and I fell forward. Right onto a... jaguar. A JAGUAR??? I crawled backwards until I was pressed up against the wall. I was frozen in fear. Was this how I was going to die? By Jaguar? No Way. I lifted my hands in the air, ready to use my "powers."

Just before I could get any further, a little boy came running in. He looked at the Jaguar angrily.

"Parce! I told you not to scare our guests! Go to my room!" The boy said in a disappointed tone with a pointed finger. My racing heart slowed. This must be Antonio, the youngest. He's got Camilo's mischievous smile.

I quickly stood up and Antonio made his way over to me.

"I didn't get to say hi at dinner yesterday, so hi! I'm Antonio!" He says with an extended hand and an innocent smile. He had to sweetest little voice and I could feel the kindness radiating off of him.

"Nice to meet you, Antonio. My name is Y/N." I bend down to shake his hand gently.

"Oh I know, Camilo was talking about you." He says plainly.

"Oh?" I say taken aback.

He covers his mouth to stifle a laugh before motioning for me to bend down. He leans into to whisper to me,"Yeah, he thinks you're pretty. Don't tell though!"

I laugh, "I promise."

"Pinky promise?" He says while raising up his tiny pinky. I lower mine to him and intertwine them.

"Pinky Promise."

He gives a little shy wave goodbye then starts walking away, a bird flys overhead then lands to perch on his extended arm. This family kept getting cooler.


I decided to walk around the house a bit, honestly I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. Mirabel was really my guide in all of this so how was I supposed to navigate this huge house without her? I walked downstairs into the empty kitchen and grabbed a large slice of guava from a leftover platter. Guess I'd slept in and missed breakfast. More food had been left out but I wasn't too hungry after over eating last night. It was awfully quiet.

Too quiet.

I saw a full pitcher of water on the countertop and began searching for a cup. Uh, where are the cups in this house? I opened drawer after drawer with no luck. Suddenly, the tiles started shifting and sliding me towards a tall cabinet in the corner of the kitchen. At last! This must be where they kept the cups! I opened the cabinet and a quick hand stifled my scream.

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