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⚠️- heavy flirting/innuendo (lmao I don't even know if this needs a trigger warning but just in case)

It was about 1 am when I got back from the garden with Camilo. We had been up talking and dancing basically the whole night. It was magical.

The party was completely over by the time I ran up to Mirabels room. I slowly opened the door and stepped in. The door hinges creaked and I held my breath, hoping I wouldn't be waking a sleeping Mirabel.

As I walked in I shut the door behind me. I stifled a squeal as the memories from tonight flooded my mind. Slow dancing, Camilo's confession, our kiss...

Snap out of it!

I changed into the nightgown from before and slipped into bed. It was hard to sleep at first since my mind kept wandering, but after awhile I drifted to sleep.


Huh? I opened one eye to see a figure standing over me. "AH!!" I shot straight up, bringing my hands up defensively.

"WHOA! It's me, it's me!" Mirabel said jumping back. After a I relaxed she laughed.

"Whaaattt, I'm tired!" I say slamming my head back into my pillow.

"I'm sure you are, after all that dancing." She said her voice heightening, I snapped my head up.

"How did you-"

"Dolores basically heard everything, she gave me the full scoop." Mirabel says proudly.

"Everything?" I ask awkwardly smiling.

"Everything," She smiles then pokes me hard in the shoulder, "Still cant believe you kissed him. He's so weird..."

"Who cares if he's weird, he's an amaaazzing kisser." I say jokingly. Mirabel covers her ears while making a face of disgust. "Gross gross!!"

I laugh at her. She uncovers her ears.

"I'm gonna head down to the courtyard to give you some time to change and stuff. Feel free to shower if you'd like!" Mirabel says while heading to the door.

"Thanks Mirabel!"

"Anytime!" She shouts back.

I somehow manage to drag my body out of bed, taking a quick shower and throwing on my everyday skirt and blouse. I brush my teeth and start up any finishing touches.

As I'm braiding my hair my mind wanders to night. I close my eyes. His hand on my face, pulling me closer. My hand on the back of his neck, his curls tickling my skin. The feeling of relief when he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. The feelings swelled back to me.

I opened my eyes again. Swirling pink lights surrounded me, floating freely in the air. They took on a sphere-like shape. I reached out to grab one, pulling it closer to me. It brought me back to the exact moment I had first kissed Camilo. It was like I there again. Wow.

In an instant, the orbs began to fly and spin around me. Like they had their own life force. It flew and flew until it crashed into the door, making it open slightly. It's almost as if they were drawn to something on the other side.

Wait, if that got out and another person touched it, would they see the same thing I did? I couldn't let the happen, would I be kicked it if the adults knew I had kissed their son?

Before I could jump up to grab it, the pink orb had flown out the door, several other orbs following suit. I chased after them, weaving through the hallway.  I passed a concerned Lusia and a puzzled Antonio. It flew and flew until it reached Camilo's door, the light spheres pushed up against it.

This was good, maybe I could trap the lights in Camilo's room. I figured he'd be downstairs this late in the morning, and no one would know we kissed. Well except for Dolores and anyone she told. I turned the doorknob of Camilo's door, letting the lights fly straight in. I followed after, closing the door behind me.

Camilo's room was incredible. It was absolutely huge with furniture and decorations of all different styles and colors. It almost seemed like several different rooms compiled into one. As I walked in I noticed that the far corners of the room were constantly changing and rearranging.

I continued following the light spheres as the flew straight to a large bed in the center of the room. Instantly Camilo peeked out behind a massive mound of pillows.

"Y/N? Couldn't wait to see me?" He smiled then his eyes widen. "What is tha-" Instantly the orbs zipped to him and clung to him. He was laughing as they tucked themselves under his arm and flew through his hair. He grabbed one and I could feel his emotions shift.

"Did it take you back to last night too?" I asked him curiously. My powers had never done that before. I approached and sat on the edge of his bed.

He let go of the orb and it flew down and clung to his chest. Which I had just realized was totally bare. I looked down at his bedspread in hopes of averting my gaze.

"Yeah that was incredible. How did you do that?" He asked me while in shock. I had briefly explained the known extent of my powers the night we had slept in the woods but I didn't know how to explain this.

"I don't know. My best guess is that- well whenever I feel that specific emotion, those orbs will appear and show the memory of it? Every emotion has different colors and properties. I've only scratched the surface. But it only works with strong emotions, I have to really focus to actually make something happen." I shrug.

He looks me up and down.

"Are you saying that you were intently focused on me kissing you?" He smirked. I turned bright red. Um well yeah. Wasn't that obvious.

"Oh shut up." I leaned more on the bed to grab on of the orbs flitting above his head. As I reached for it he grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him.

"How do you expect to shut me up?" He asks tilting his head. Chills went down my spine and I could feel his warm chest beneath my body. My heart started to beat of my chest and just like that, new orbs appeared in the air. He reached out to grab one.

A huge cheshire smile overtook his face. He handed me the orb and the second I touched it, what he had just done replayed in my mind.

I leaned back and he stood up, grabbing a shirt from a nearby chair. He motions for me to walk with him to the door. He says something about breakfast but I couldn't hear him through the sound of my beating heart.

As we reached the door he mischievously said,

"Well if you ever need someone to help you with your power, feel free to come into my room whenever." He winked at me. And we walked out into the hallway.


Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapter, this was sorta a filler for the next ones! I literally love reading y'all's comments so much, thank you guys for being so amazing! I hope you have an amazing day!

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