Special Spot

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I sighed and grabbed the plate Antonio had left on my bed. It was delicious, as usual. I wonder how long it had taken Julieta to make this savory dish, I had no idea what it was but it tasted divine. After a few minutes of devouring my food, Mirabel slowly walked in the room and flicked the lights on.

I winced from the light. Mirabel laughed a little,

"Why are you eating in the dark?!" She walked over and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey! Don't judge me!" I say while stuffing another piece in my mouth. She rolled her eyes playfully.

"So I talked to my Tío Bruno and he can meet with you as soon as tomorrow. He's got a lot of free time, and I mean A LOT." She widened her eyes as she said it and I broke into a grin replying with,

"Well, so do I. Tomorrow sounds good." I nodded, still a tiny bit apprehensive. Mirabel yawned.

"I'm so exhausted Y/N/N. You wouldn't believe the crazy day I've had..." She exhaled out.

I think I would believe it, my day was probably crazier.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, angling my head towards hers.

"I ran into that girl I was telling you about a while back. You know, the one who was married off?"

I nodded for her to continue.

"And when I say 'run into' I mean literally. Like I slammed into her while turning the corner... her hair looks different. I really liked it..." She made eye contact with me and I raised my eyebrows, she turned bright red, "...uh anyways. It was so awkward! I made her drop her laundry basket and helping her pick things up was so weird. We just awkwardly made eye contact!" Mirabel covered her face and let out a frustrated sigh, "Will it ever be like how it was before she married?"

I wasn't sure what to say or how to comfort her.

"I guess, I guess I don't know. But if you really like her, I'm sure everything will work out in the end." I said, hopeful she would cheer up. She looked at me and nodded.

"You're right. But I don't know if I can just sit here and watch her slip away from me like this. She's not even my friend anymore, I'm going to talk to her tomorrow. Yeah, that's what I'll do. As long as she's in my life I'll be fine." She responded confidently.

She gave me a quick 'thank you' hug and sprinted to her bed, wrapping herself in her covers.

"The faster I fall asleep, the faster morning will come!" She announced once she noticed my stare. We shared our good nights and I turned off the lights.

I didn't have to wait long for midnight to arrive. Mirabel looked sound asleep but just to be safe I slowly got out of my bed and tip toed to the door. A floor board creaked and I held by breath as I turned around to see a still sleeping Mirabel. Whew.

After shutting the door inch by inch, I tiptoed to Camilo's room. As I went to turn the knob the door swung open and Camilo stood on the other side of it. We both covered our mouths to stifle a laugh.

"Okay so now will you tell me the surprise?" I asked pleadingly.

"Soon, okay?" He responded softly. I nodded. In a swift motion he grabbed my hand and began leading me downstairs and through the front door. The black sky was painted with stars but I couldn't see the moon from the angle we were standing.

Two hands wrapped around my face, obscuring my vision. I laughed.

"Camilo? What are you doing!" I whispered confused.

"Shhh, be patient. I don't want you to see it yet!" His smile was evident even though I couldn't see him.

"Hmmm fine fine." I giggle.

He leads me for what seems like forever. Im sure he didn't account for the difficultly of leading someone when they couldn't see a thing, I must've tripped on every branch and twig! After awhile, the terrain wasn't so rocky, instead it was soft and easy to walk on. Where were we?

He spun me around which I assumed was so I was facing him.

"Okay Y/N. You can open your eyes."

My eyes fluttered open to see a grinning Camilo. I glanced around me and instantly gasped. It was beautiful. We were in a small cave that was bursting with luminous plants and perfectly bloomed flowers. Just to my left was a soft blanket where a small box resided. Small candles peppered the floor of the whole cave.

"Wow, Camilo this is just-" I began but was interrupted by Camilo lifting my chin so my eyes were drawn to the ceiling of the cave. The ceiling which had an opening, perfectly showcasing a full moon. My eyes widened, it was jaw dropping. The whole scene.

He allowed my gaze to return to him. Words could not describe what I was feeling, I think he could tell.

I bent down and moved the box away from the blanket and laid down, patting on the spot next to him.

I laid down next to him like he offered, his arm wrapping around my shoulder. We looked through the opening of the cave looking at the moon and stars in the sky. I told him my story then, about why I was here. About my family. He listened intently.

After I had finished, he pointed up at the constellation in the upper right hand corner of the opening.

"That one reminds me of you." He stated. I raised an eyebrow.

"How come?" I queried.

"It's the Phoenix constellation. The Phoenix was a bird of incredible beauty who lived for 500 years. The bird would build a nest of twigs and leaves that would be lit by the noon sun. The Phoenix would then be consumed by the fire, but a small worm would emerge from the fire and grow into another Phoenix,"

He looked at me to see my reaction before continuing,

"...no matter what happens, you always rise up again. I think- I think you're the strongest person I've ever met." He said furrowing his brows.

"Says the boy with the cousin with literal super strength!" I say with a laugh, lightening the mood. He laughed and pulled me closer to him.

"Funny, but you know what I mean. Im proud of you, you know." He gazed into my eyes lovingly. It took everything in me not to collapse into a fit of sobs after he said that. 'I'm proud of you.' Replayed in my head, over and over and over. The comfort of the phrase had completely overtaken my mind.

I cradled his face with my hands,

"I'm proud of you too, Camilo."

He smiled into my hands. As we huddled tighter together and I closed my eyes he began to hum. It was a soft melody that lulled me to the brink of sleep. That night, I held him like he'd slip through my fingers like sand. And I was determined to never let him go. The last thing I remember was the light of the moon shining on Camilo's closed eyelids.


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The stargazing request was submitted by OhSo_Gizmo, so thank you for that! If you have any requests, please post them right here so I can see them. (I can't promise it will be added but I will try my best) I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! Also this chapter was not spellchecked so if you see any errors please feel free to comment!

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