Great hall

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The golden quartet are seen sitting together at the Gryffindor table in the Great hall talking among themselves while one of them is staring ahead her mind elsewhere nodding and agreeing to whatever the rest of the group are talking about when the doors to the great hall are swung open and heaps of people are seen walking in, in that group are

Molly and Arthur Weasley their kids Charlie, William 'bill' and Percy, the minister Cornelius fudge,  Kingsley Shacklebolt and nymphadora Tonks, Amelia bone, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black as 'snuffles' Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy alastor moody 'mad eye' and Tom riddle though disguised

Everyone stares until a small red head is seem running straight into Remus Lupin arms "uncle moony!" Said red head screams making the Weasley twins look in deep thought having head that name before

"Hello everyone may I ask why you are here?" Headmaster albus Dumbledore asks in a grandfatherly way making the red head scowl much to everyone's confusion

"We received a note and next thing we know we are all here" Lucius sneers look at the headmaster in disgust, before anyone can question it a small burst of light goes off and from it 8 DVDs and a note are shown

Albus carefully inspects the items deeming them safe he reads it out

To Hogwarts class of 1995

We apologize for interrupting your morning but we had no choice our parents and the current headmistress Minerva McGonagall have given us permission to send these, the future is grim, we lose many great people to a dark lord

What you are seeing is 8 DVDs that show Harry and Katarina potters life and yes they agreed although they know their younger selves are probably very angry with their future selves right now given well you'll know what

Time is stopped and food and toilets will be provided for the duration of these 8 movies, at any point if you need to leave to calm down do so these are not for the faint of heart as such we ask all first years to please sit with a third year or older

Change the future for us fix all the wrongs done to all of us

The future generation

M.H.R  A.N.R  J.S.P  F.S.P  L.L.P  R.M.G.W  H.R.G.W  E.R.L 

Everyone's eyes shoot to the potter twins who look like they've seen ghosts making everyone even more confused

"Can we I don't know not show our personal lives?" Katarina speaks up harry nodding his head in agreement

"We need your consent to watch these twins they are your lives" the twins look at each other in horror silently having a conversation Katarina reluctantly nods

"Ok" she whispers just loud enough for people to hear professor McGonagall transfigured the benches and tables into couches and beanbags snack tables show up on the back walls and toilets and nap rooms appear around the hall

"Ok let's start with the first one harry and Katarina potter and the philosophers stone"

the potter twins watch the movies (on hold for the foreseeable future) :(Where stories live. Discover now