chapter eight

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[Later on, the Hogwarts Express is travelling through the countryside. Harry is in sitting with Kat in a train compartment, Kat is trying to explain her inheritance test to harry ]

Katarina: Hades would you just listen to me please?

Harry: Kat i don't want to hear it you've been saying the same thing over and over again all month

Katarina: yes but harry just on trust me please, just look and read this [she tries to hand harry her inheritance test but he shoves it back to her]

Harry: for gods sake Kitty enough i don't want to hear anymore lies

Katarina: so you just going to believe someone we have never met, the same someone who just left us on a doorstep and let us stay in an abusive home? over your own sister?

Harry: I'm sure he didn't know about the abuse kat so please just drop it go back to your books

Katarina: Hadrian James Potter you listen to me right now i am your older sister and i am telling you no to trust the old coot!

Harry: god your so annoying just leave Katarina  seriously i don't want you here i wish you didn't have to come to Hogwarts just once it might be nice to do something on my own without my stupid sister trying to dictate everything i do!!!

Katarina: i'm trying to protect you, you big idiot!

Harry: well i don't want nor need it all you do is wrap me in bubble wrap  i wish i was an only child maybe then mum and dad wouldn't have died! [ harry immediately stops talking once he realizes what he said and goes to comfort Kat but she pushes him off and runs out of the cart with tears in her eyes, a few minutes after Kat walks out harry has calmed down and is just looking out the window at the scenery]

not a sound is heard Kat and harry look down knowing this fight nearly destroyed their twin bond Marvolo glares at harry making the young boy flinch he knows what he said was wrong he wanted to say sorry as soon as he said it but Kat had already left and then wouldn't talk to him at all after it he really did feel awful for his words

Ron: Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full.

"sure it was Ronniekins" Fred teases his younger brother

"ok fine so i wanted to meet harry can you blame me?"

Harry: No, not at all.

Ron: [sits across from Harry] I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley.

Harry: I'm Harry. Harry Potter.

[Ron goes agape.]

" awww Ron were you abit starstruck?"

"hey Ron everyone finally gets to see you reaction to meeting me!" Kat yells out laughing making rons eyes widen in horror knowing he fully humiliated himself

Ron: So-so it's true? I mean, do you really have the...the...

Harry: The what?

Ron: [whispers] Scar...?


"It's ok mrs weasley i didn't really mind just be glad he didn't ask Katarina she would have broken his noes" a few laugh knowing that that happened last year when a Durmstrang student asked her about her scar and she nearly broke his jaw

Harry: Oh [lifts up his hair bangs to reveal it]

Ron: Wicked.

[A trolley comes by the compartment, full of sweets.]

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