chapter one

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Katarina and harry clutch each other tightly knowing everything they've kept hidden all their secrets and lies will be revealed

[It is nighttime in Surrey, we see an owl on the street sign "PRIVET DRIVE" and the camera pans to the street with very identical looking brown bricked houses. The owl flies away and an elderly man with crimson robes and a long silvery white beard named Albus Dumbledore walks out of a forest near the street, past a tabby cat standing next to what looks like a shed. He takes out his deluminator and activates it. Dumbledore zaps all the light out of the lampposts. He puts away the device and a cat meows. Dumbledore looks down at the cat.]

"Minnie!" Kat and the Weasley twins shout seeing the cat causing Minerva to scowl playfully at them

"Ms.potter messer's Weasley how many times have I told you not to call me that?" The trio share and smirk and answer simultaneously

"As many times as we've said it" Minerva's eyes slightly water at the exact works Kats' father once spoke with the marauders

Dumbledore: I should have known that you would be here...Professor McGonagall.

[The cat silently looks at him, and the camera turns towards a wall. The cat's shadow turns into a woman with a tall hat. There are footsteps and Minerva McGonagall is revealed.]

McGonagall: Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true, Albus?

Kats' eyes water realizing what day this is snuffles let's out a small whine and Lyra smiles sadly at him and pats his head

Dumbledore: I'm afraid so, Professor. The good, and the bad

McGonagall: And the twins?

Dumbledore: Hagrid is bringing them.

McGonagall: Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?

"I would trust Hagrid with my life!" The golden quartet yell then Kat whispers "just not my secrets"

Dumbledore: Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life.

The half giant blushes bright red while laughter is heard through the great hall

[There is a motor sound, and the two professors look up to see a flying motorcycle coming down from the air. It skids on the street and halts. A large man with shoulder length black hair and beard named Rubeus Hagrid takes off his goggles.]

Snuffles barks at the sight of his old bike making harry and lyra laugh

"I'll buy you another one snuffles" Kat whispers confusing the few around who heard

Hagrid: Professor Dumbledore, Sir. Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore: No problems, I trust, Hagrid?

Hagrid: No, sir. Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol, but his sister well she was laughing the whole way. Heh. Try not to wake him. There you go.

[Hagrid hands a baby wrapped in a bundle over to Dumbledore and passed Minerva the wide awake giggling little girl.]

"Awww look at ikkle harrykins and Kitty" Fred says pinching Kats' cheeks making her hair turn pink while her cheeks flush not noticing a certain Slytherin Lord glaring at the two

McGonagall: Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving him with these people? I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are...

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