chapter seven

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Ragnuk: you lady potter are the most powerful seer that has been around since Rowena ravenclaw herself as for the horcrux we can either remove it and destroy it or move it to and object of your choosing and keep it safe

Katarina: I will come back another time to have it transferred to an object and put in a safe place for now may i accept all lady and heiress rings please i fear my brother will be very worried about me by now

Ragnuk: of course plus we have a gift for you, as not only the youngest witch to show us respect but a powerful we the goblin nation extend our hand in friendship forming an ever lasting alliance with you

"your a friend of the goblin nation there's only been like 7 wizards who have had that honor!" many say to Katarina

"showing them a little respect and knowing their traditions goes a long way you know"

Katarina: i would be honored your majesty

[kat quickly accepts all her heiress and lady rings and the goblin nations pendant before rushing out of gringotts to ollivanders to get a wand so she can meet her brother in her rush she doesn't see the person she's running straight for till its to late]

Katarin: oh god i'm so so sorry i was in a rush i didn't even see you

[lyra rushes out before helping the boy up]

??: no harm done i to should have been watching where i was going

[looking up Kat sees a clearly pureblooded boy feeling even more embarrassed she stands straight]

Katarina: well met i am Katarina Lilith potter lady of most Nobel house of potter and most ancient and noble house of Peverell

[Kat extends her hand to the boy hoping she said all that right since she only got to read the books quickly. the boy quickly covers his shock and accepts the hand]

??: well met lady potter-Peverell i am Draconis Lucius Malfoy of most ancient and noble house of malfoy

[Kat blushes before quickly saying goodbye and rushing at a slightly slower pace to ollivanders the boy is seen with a small smile watching her run off]

Marvolo looks at the two with narrowed eyes he knows Kat is best friends with Draco but he doesn't know anything else about the relationship the two had before he met Kat properly in third year 

Lucius: come along draco we are already behind

Draco: coming father

[Later back in the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid Harry and  Kat, are at a long table, eating soup. Everything is too quiet, Hagrid soon notices this.]

Hagrid: You all right, twins? You seem very quiet.

Harry: He killed our parents, didn't he? The one who gave us these. You know, Hagrid, we know you do.

Katarina: don't hades

[ Kat scolds not having yet had a chance to tell harry what she saw and learnt]

Hagrid: [sighs and pushes his bowl away] First, and understand this, twins, 'cause it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago, there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V-...his name was V-...

"he won't say it we've been trying for years" the Weasley twins and Remus say at the same time earning a doggy nod from snuffles

Harry: Maybe if you wrote it down?

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