chapter three

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[everyone takes their seats as the movie begins to play again Katarina stays beside Marvolo knowing what the net few scenes are going to be]

[That stormy night, a tall house, on a rock island somewhere out at sea. The Dursleys, including Harry have moved there, due to the chaos with the letters. The family is sleeping, with Harry and Kitty on the cold, dirt floor and Dudley sleeping on a sofa. Harry has drawn a birthday cake which reads, Happy Birthday Kitty. and Kat  drew  one which reads happy birthday Hades, harry looks at Dudley's watch, which beeps 12:00.]

Harry: Make a wish kitty,

Katarina: Make a wish harry[Kat and harry blow out the 'candles' on the drawn cake]

 everyone looks down those who believed the twins grew up spoilt feeling ashamed of themselves and their friends making a plan to throw them the best birthday party they've ever had, Marvolo is thinking on what he can do for his queen feeling ashamed that this is his fault as if reading his mind Kat grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers and gently squeezes is hand in comfort

[Suddenly, the door thumps, in sync with the thunder flashing. The door thumps again and Dudley, Harry and Katarina jump up harry pulling Kat with him as they  back away. Harry hides behind a wall Kat behind him holding his back to try and see over his shoulder, and Dudley cowers on a window sill. Petunia and Vernon appear, with Vernon holding a double barrel gun.]

a few people laugh at Kat trying to see over Harrys shoulder she really was short. Kat pouts as Marvolo try's to hide his laughs but fails miserably 

Vernon: Who's there? Ahh!

everyone sits on the edge of their seats worried about the twins how are trying not to laugh 

[The door bangs again and then falls down, and a giant man appears. As he comes into the clear lighting, he is revealed to be Hagrid.]

everyone breaths out before laughing at the half-giant

Hagrid: Sorry 'about that.[He puts the door back up]

Vernon: [aiming his gun at him] I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking an entering![As Petunia quietly gasps in fear, Hagrid grabs the gun and bends it upwards.]

Hagrid: Dry up, Dursley, you great prune.[The gun fires upwards, blasting a hole in the ceiling, causing the two to shriek in fear. Hagrid notices Dudley.]

Hagrid: Boy, I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Harry, but you're a bit more along than I would have expected. Particularly 'round the middle! And  Where's your sister?

Dudley: I-I-I'm not Harry.[Harry reveals himself]

Harry: I-I am

Katarina: and I'm his sister, hey do I know you you look familiar?

Everyone turns to Kat wondering if it's possible for her to remember that terrible night but she just buries her head into Marvolos shoulder avoiding all eye contact

Hagrid: Oh, well, of course you are! Got something for ya. 'Afraid I might have sat on it at some point! I imagine that it'll taste fine just the same. Ahh. Baked it myself. [Hands Harry the cake] Words and all. Heh.[Harry opens cake, which reads "Happee Birdae Harry and Katarina" in green frosting.]

Harry: Thank you!

Katarina: is this an actual birthday cake?![Kats eyes shinning with excitement at finally getting something on their birthday even if it is just a cake]

Marvolo takes a moment to look towards Narcissa who knows exactly what he is thinking and gets started on planning in her head a great birthday party for their dark lady and her brother Lucius looks at his wife and whispers in her ear 

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